HTMLROFF(1) HTMLROFF(1) NAME htmlroff - HTML formatting and typesetting SYNOPSIS htmlroff [ -iuv ] [ -m name ] [ -r aN ] [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION Htmlroff accepts troff(1) input in the named files and for- mats it as HTML for viewing in a web browser. If no file argument is given, htmlroff reads the standard input. An argument consisting of a single minus (-) is taken to be a file name corresponding to the standard input. The options are: -i Read standard input after the input files are exhausted. -mname Process the macro file /sys/lib/tmac/ before the input files. -raN Set register a (one character name) to N. -u Generate UTF output. By default, htmlroff converts Unicode runes into the corresponding HTML entity sequences (α, , and so on). Htmlroff invokes tcs(1) for the conversion. -v Generate debugging output and warnings about suspicious input. Most troff input files, especially those using the ms(6) macros, can be used unaltered. In general, the macro file tmac.html should be processed after processing other stan- dard macro files, as in htmlroff -ms -mhtml. Htmlroff(6) describes the changes to the input language. Mhtml(6) describes the new macros. EXAMPLES Format the Plan 9 web page: cd /usr/web/plan9 htmlroff -mhtml >index.html Format a paper: cd /sys/doc Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/11/25) HTMLROFF(1) HTMLROFF(1) pic | tbl | eqn | htmlroff -ms -mhtml >auth.html FILES /sys/lib/troff/font/devutf/utfmap Mapping from troff two-character names like \(*a to Unicode characters like α. SOURCE /sys/src/cmd/htmlroff SEE ALSO tcs(1), troff(1), htmlroff(6), mhtml(6) Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 3/11/25)