ZUKE(1)                                                   ZUKE(1)

          mkplist, zuke - graphical music player

          audio/mkplist [ -s ] directory/file/URL [...]
          audio/readtags [ -i ] [file ...]
          audio/zuke [ -s ] [ -c columns ]

          Zuke is a graphical music player that reads a playlist from
          standard input and presents an interface to play music.

          Playlists are generated by mkplist, which accepts files,
          directories, and URLs as its arguments, and writes the
          resulting playlist to standard output. Option -s enables
          "simple" sorting of the entries of the playlist, where only
          full paths are compared.

          Formats supported by zuke are: MP3, OGG/Vorbis, FLAC, and
          WAV.  With additional programs, Opus, modules and M4A (AAC)
          can be played.  Zuke also supports network streams, such as
          IceCast.  Option -s enables ``shuffle'' mode on start.

          The columns (and their order) displayed can be changed by
          passing the following letters along -c option:

               A  Artist (displays composer if no artist has been set)
               a  Album
               b  File basename
               C  Composer
               t  Title
               D  Duration
               d  Date
               T  Track number
               p  Full file path

          By default, artist, album, title, and duration are dis-
          played, which corresponds to -c AatD.

          Zuke can be controlled with a mouse, keyboard, and plumber.
          Button 1 selects a track, button 2 plays a track.  Clicking
          on the seek bar changes the playback position accordingly.
          On the right of the seek bar, current position, track dura-
          tion and volume are displayed.  ``∫'' is shown if shuffle
          mode is enabled.

          Plumbing a file with .plist extension loads the playlist in
          zuke. This is useful with a collection of playlists dis-
          played aside.

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     ZUKE(1)                                                   ZUKE(1)

          Zuke provides a number of keyboard controls:

               -                         Lower volume.
               + =                       Increase volume.
               ↑ ↓ Pgup Pgdown Home End  Move within the playlist.
               o i                       Jump to current track.
               Enter                     Play selected track.
               > b                       Skip to next track.
               < z                       Skip to previous track.
               ← →                       Seek 10 seconds back/forward.
               , .                       Seek 60 seconds back/forward.
               v                         Stop
               p c Space                 Pause/Resume.
               r                         Toggle ``repeat one''.
               g                         Switch between no gain, track
                                         gain, and album gain applied.
               s                         Toggle ``shuffle''.
               q Del                     Quit.
               /                         Search forward.
               ?                         Search backwards.
               n                         Repeat search forward.
               N                         Repeat search backwards.

          Typing any digit initiates a "Seek to" prompt. Minutes,
          hours and seconds can be separated with a colon, if needed,
          otherwise the position is taken as seconds from the begin-
          ning of the track.

          Zuke can be controlled by emulating key presses via the
          plumber port audio.

          Files present in the current playlist can be plumbed too,
          and will be played immediately.

          When a new track starts playing, zuke will write its tags to
          stdout, each column separated by a tab character.  If play-
          back is stopped, an empty line is written instead.  This can
          be used for scrobbling or displaying the current track in
          another window.

          Readtags prints tags stored within audio files. When option
          -i is specified, it will try to extract the cover image and
          write it to standard output as a Plan 9 image instead.

          Generate a playlist:

               audio/mkplist /usr/glenda/music \
                    file.mp3 \
                    http://anonradio.net:8000/anonradio > music.plist

          Playing a playlist:

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     ZUKE(1)                                                   ZUKE(1)

               audio/zuke < music.plist

          Append to a playlist:

               audio/mkplist /n/moremusic >> music.plist

          Skip to the next track using plumber:

               plumb -d audio 'key >'



          Zuke first appeared in 9front (April, 2021).

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