KBD(3) KBD(3) NAME kbd - pc keyboard driver SYNOPSIS bind -a #b /dev /dev/scancode /dev/leds DESCRIPTION The kbd device serves a one-level directory containing the files scancode and leds. Reading the scancode file returns the raw scancode stream as it is emitted by the keyboard device without any transla- tion. It is usually kbdfs(8) task to interpret the scancodes and provide device independent keyboard input to programs. The scancode file can be only opened once by the hostowner. Writing a number to the write-only leds file changes the status leds on the keyboard. the value of the number is the addition of 1, 2 and 4 representing activated Scroll, Num and Caps leds. EXAMPLE Set the Scroll and Caps leds: echo 5 >/dev/leds SEE ALSO kbdfs(8) SOURCE /sys/src/9/pc/devkbd.c Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/31/25)