import "clive/fuse/ostest"

     const WithMtime = true ...  var Dirs = [...]string{"/a",  "/a/b",
     "/a/b/c", "/d", "/e", "/e/f"} ...  var GetFPaths = []string{"/1",
     "/a/a2", "/2"} ...  var MkdirPaths =  []string{"/nd",  "/nd/nd2",
     "/nd/nd22",   "/nd/nd23",   "/nd3"}   ...    var   RemovePaths  =
     []string{"/d",  "/e/f",  "/e",  "/a/a2"}  ...   var  PutTests   =
     []PutTest{          PutTest{Path:  "/n1"},          PutTest{Path:
     "/n1"},          PutTest{Path:  "/a/n2"},           PutTest{Path:
     "/",  Fails:  true},          PutTest{Path:  "/a",  Fails: true},
             PutTest{Path:  "/a/b/c/d/e/f",  Fails:   true},   }   var
     StatTests   =   []StatTest{          {"/a/b/c",  `c  drwxr-xr-x`,
     false},             {"/a",      `a      drwxr-xr-x`,      false},
             {"/a/b/c/c3",     `c3    -rw-r--r--    44970`,    false},
             {"/2", `2 -rw-r--r-- 31658`, false},          {"zz",  `no
     stat`,    true},            {"/a/b/c/c5",   `no   stat`,   true},
             {"/a/b/../", `a drwxr-xr-x`, false}, } var  WstatTests  =
     []WstatTest{           WstatTest{                   Path:   "/d",
                     Mode:  0700,                 Mtime: 5,         },
             WstatTest{                         Path:          "/e/f",
                     Mode:     0704,                    Mtime:    500,
             },            WstatTest{                   Path:    "/e",
                     Mode:     0704,                    Mtime:    500,
             },           WstatTest{                  Path:   "/a/a2",
                     Mode:     0704,                    Mtime:    500,
             },           WstatTest{                   Path:   "/xxx",
                     Fails:   true,           },            WstatTest{
                     Path:    "/a/xxx",                  Fails:  true,
             }, } func All(t Fataler, dirs ...string)  func  AsAFile(t
     Fataler,  dirs  ...string)  func AsAFs(t Fataler, dirs ...string)
     func  Children(p  string)  []string  func  Diff(meta  bool,  dirs
     ...string) ([]string, error) func Gets(t Fataler, dirs ...string)
     func MkChgs(t Fataler, tdir string) func MkChgs2(t Fataler,  tdir
     string)   func  MkTree(t  Fataler,  tdir  string)  func  Mkdirs(t
     Fataler, dirs ...string) func  Puts(t  Fataler,  dirs  ...string)
     func  Removes(t  Fataler,  dirs  ...string) func ResetTime() func
     RmTree(t  Fataler,  tdir  string)  func  Stats(t  Fataler,   dirs
     ...string)  func  Touch(path  string) func Wstats(t Fataler, dirs
     ...string) type Fataler interface { ... } type PutTest  struct  {
     ... } type StatTest struct { ... } type WstatTest struct { ... }


     Utilities to aid in tests of fuse file systems. Mimics  zx/fstest
     but using OS interfaces.


     const (         WithMtime    = true         WithoutMtime =  false
         arg to Diff


     type  Fataler  interface  {          Fatalf(format  string,  args
     ...interface{})          Logf(format string, args ...interface{})
             Fail() }
         Usually testing.T or testing.B

     type PutTest struct {         Path  string          Mode   string
             Fails bool }

     type StatTest struct {         Path  string         Res    string
             Fails bool }

     type  WstatTest  struct  {          Path    string           Mode
     os.FileMode         Mtime int64         Fails bool }


     func All(t Fataler, dirs ...string)

     func AsAFile(t Fataler, dirs ...string)
         Make sure /foo behaves as a file issuing calls from 3 fds.

     func AsAFs(t Fataler, dirs ...string)
         Perform black box testing of dir1 by performing random FS ops
     in it and a
         read OS dir and comparing the trees and the results from  the
         There can be at most one invocation of  this  function  at  a

     func Children(p string) []string
         Return a sorted list of child names for dir at p; ignore /Ctl
     and dot files

     func Diff(meta bool, dirs ...string) ([]string, error)
         Compare trees and report differences

     func Gets(t Fataler, dirs ...string)

     func MkChgs(t Fataler, tdir string)
         Make some changes in the test tree.

         - Touch /a/a1
         - Chmod /a/a2
         - Remove /a/b/c /a/b/c/c3
         - Create /a/n /a/n/m /a/n/m/m1

     func MkChgs2(t Fataler, tdir string)
         Make some changes in the test tree, another version.

         - Remove /2
         - Create /2/n2
         - Truncate /1

     func MkTree(t Fataler, tdir string)
         Create a tree with Dirs and Files at tdir at  the  underlying

     func Mkdirs(t Fataler, dirs ...string)

     func Puts(t Fataler, dirs ...string)

     func Removes(t Fataler, dirs ...string)

     func ResetTime()
         Reset the time for files created

     func RmTree(t Fataler, tdir string)

     func Stats(t Fataler, dirs ...string)

     func Touch(path string)
         set a fake mtime that can be predicted.

     func Wstats(t Fataler, dirs ...string)


     var (

             // directories created         Dirs  =  [...]string{"/a",
     "/a/b", "/a/b/c", "/d", "/e", "/e/f"}

             //  files  created          Files   =   [...]string{"/1",
     "/a/a1", "/a/a2", "/a/b/c/c3", "/2"}

             //  data  stored  in   each   file           FileData   =

             Repeats = 1 )

     var  (          GetFPaths   =   []string{"/1",   "/a/a2",   "/2"}
             GetDPaths    =    []string{"/"}            GetDOuts     =
     map[string]string{                 "/": `1 2 a  d  e`,          }
             BadPaths = []string{"zz", "/a/b/c/c5"} )

     var  (           MkdirPaths      =   []string{"/nd",   "/nd/nd2",
     "/nd/nd22",    "/nd/nd23",    "/nd3"}           BadMkdirPaths   =
     []string{"/", "/nd", "/a", "/1"} )

     var  (          RemovePaths     =  []string{"/d",  "/e/f",  "/e",
     "/a/a2"}         BadRemovePaths = []string{"/", "/xxx", "/a"} )

     var   PutTests   =   []PutTest{           PutTest{Path:   "/n1"},
             PutTest{Path:   "/n1"},          PutTest{Path:  "/a/n2"},
             PutTest{Path: "/",  Fails:  true},          PutTest{Path:
     "/a",  Fails: true},         PutTest{Path: "/a/b/c/d/e/f", Fails:
     true}, }

     var StatTests = []StatTest{          {"/a/b/c",  `c  drwxr-xr-x`,
     false},              {"/a",      `a      drwxr-xr-x`,     false},
             {"/a/b/c/c3",    `c3    -rw-r--r--    44970`,     false},
             {"/2",  `2  -rw-r--r-- 31658`, false},         {"zz", `no
     stat`,   true},           {"/a/b/c/c5",   `no    stat`,    true},
             {"/a/b/../", `a drwxr-xr-x`, false}, }

     var     WstatTests     =     []WstatTest{              WstatTest{
                     Path:     "/d",                    Mode:    0700,
                     Mtime:    5,            },             WstatTest{
                     Path:    "/e/f",                   Mode:    0704,
                     Mtime:   500,            },            WstatTest{
                     Path:     "/e",                    Mode:    0704,
                     Mtime:   500,            },            WstatTest{
                     Path:    "/a/a2",                   Mode:   0704,
                     Mtime:   500,            },            WstatTest{
                     Path:    "/xxx",                   Fails:   true,
             },          WstatTest{                  Path:   "/a/xxx",
                     Fails: true,         }, }

     User's manual, 2nd ed. Section 2 Copyright © LSUB 2014-2016