ADDR(3): network and resource addresses




     Network addresses are strings used by clive  packages  and  other
     tools to name network services and end-points. They are also used
     by files and strings with  name  space  descriptions.  This  page
     documents a few conventions.

     An full network address has the form


     where network is the name of a network (unix, tcp, or tls,  etc.)
     address  is  the  name of a system in such network service is the
     name or number for a service

     A partial network address is usually completed as follows:

     +o    host means tcp!host!zx

     +o    host!port means tcp!host!port

     A full resource address as found in directory  entries  and  name
     space elements has the form:


     where protocol is the name of the protocol for the resource (eg.,
     lfs  or  zx)  network!address!service!  is  a  network address as
     described before. For lfs, this component is never present in the
     address.   tree  is the name of a resource tree (eg., main, dump,
     etc.).  For lfs, this component is the absolute path for the root
     of  the local FS. path is the full path of a resource path within
     that tree (eg., /).

     The lfs protocol indicates access to a local ZX file tree. The zx
     protocol indicates access to a remote ZX file tree.

     Commands  and  packages  usually  accept  shorter  versions   and
     complete  the addresses given if they are not full address. Refer
     to their documentation and/or source. The usual completion  rules
     are as follows:

     +o    if no protocol is given, zx! is prepended to the address.

     +o    other elements  may  be  missing,  starting  from  the  last

     For example:

     +o    localhost!zx means zx!tcp!localhost!zx!main!/

     +o    unix!localhost!zx means zx!unix!localhost!zx!main!/

     +o    unix!localhost!zx!main means zx!unix!localhost!zx!main!/

     +o    lfs!/tmp means lfs!/tmp!/

     Popular network names are tcp, tls, unix, and * to represent  any
     of the networks when providing addresses to be listened.

     The unix networks lives only within a single UNIX machine and  is
     not reacheable from outside.

     The map between service names and (eg TCP)  protocol  numbers  is
     built by calls to the clive/net package.




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