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Example - simple program to illustrate image primitives

implement Test; 
include "sys.m";
include "draw.m"; 
Test: module 
 init:  fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); 
init(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string)
  sys:= load Sys  Sys->PATH;
  draw:= load Draw Draw->PATH;
    Display, Font, Rect, Point, Image, Screen: import draw;
    # Set up connection to display and initialize colors.     
        display:= draw->Display.allocate(nil);
        disp := display.image;
        red  := display.color(Draw->Red);
        blue := display.color(Draw->Blue);
        white := display.color(Draw->White);
        yellow:= display.color(Draw->Yellow);
        ones := display.ones;
 # Paint the screen red.     
 disp.draw(disp.r, red, ones, disp.r.min);      sys->sleep(5000);
 # Texture a region with rectangular tiles.     
 texture:= display.newimage(((0,0),(2,3)), disp.ldepth,1,0);
        texture.clipr = ((-10000,-10000),(10000,10000));
 # put something in the texture     
 texture.draw(((0,0),(1,3)), blue, ones, (0,0));
 texture.draw(((0,0),(2, 1)), blue, ones, (0,0));
 # use texture as both source and mask to let     
 # destination color show through 
 disp.draw(((100,100),(200,300)), texture, texture, (0,0));
 # White-out a quarter of the pixels in a region,     
 # to make the region appear shaded.     
 stipple:= display.newimage(((0,0),(2,2)), disp.ldepth,1,0);
   stipple.draw(((0,0),(1,1)), ones, ones, (0,0));
   disp.draw(((100,100),(300,250)), white, stipple, (0,0));     
 # Draw textured characters.     
 font:= Font.open(display, "*default*");
  disp.text((100,310), texture, (0,0), font, "Hello world");     
 # Draw picture in elliptical frame.     
  delight:= display.open("/icons/delight.bit");
 piccenter:= delight.r.min.add(delight.r.max).div(2);
   disp.fillellipse((250,250), 150, 50, delight, piccenter);
disp.ellipse  ((250,250), 150, 50, 3, yellow, (0,0));
 # Draw a parabolic brush stroke using an elliptical brush     
 # to reveal more of the picture, consistent with what's     
 # already visible.     
 dx: con 15;
 dy: con 3;
 brush:= display.newimage(((0,0),(2*dx+1,2*dy+1)),
                disp.ldepth, 0, 0);
                brush.fillellipse((dx,dy), dx, dy, ones, (0,0));
        for(x:=delight.r.min.x;         x<delight.r.max.x;   x++)
           y:= (x-piccenter.x)*(x-piccenter.x)/80;
                 y += 2*dy+1;                   # so whole brush is visible at top         
           xx:= x+(250-piccenter.x)-dx;
                 yy:= y+(250-piccenter.y)-dy;
                     (x-dx, y-dy), brush, (0,0));


The example is a self-contained simple program that illustrates most of the features of the basic draw library. Run it from the top-level shell prompt, not within a window system, since it establishes its own connection to the display and writes directly on the display, not in a private window. The program exercises the drawing primitives, taking particular care to maintain a consistent coordinate system for the combinations of images on the display. Comments in the code introduce each step.

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