include "imagefile.m"; gifreader := load RImagefile RImagefile->READGIFPATH; jpgreader := load RImagefile RImagefile->READJPGPATH; imageremap:= load Imageremap Imageremap->PATH; Rawimage: adt { r : Draw->Rect; cmap : array of byte; nchans : int; chans : array of array of byte; chandesc : int; fields : int; #defined by format }; remap : fn(i: ref RImagefile->Rawimage, d: ref Draw->Display, errdiff: int) : (ref Draw->Image, string);
The Rawimage is always defined as one or more bytes per pixel, with nchans channels of data stored in the array chans. The chandesc field, described in this section, specifies the contents of chans. The rectangle r describes the shape of the picture.
The Rawimage type can be converted to a regular Image (see Image - pictures and drawing in Chapter 11) by calling function remap in the Imageremap module. The remap function is passed the Rawimage, a Display on which to create the image, and a flag that specifies whether to apply Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion code to the result for smoother rendering of colors at the cost of some noise in the image.
3-color RGB image with no color map
monotone (luminance-only, grey-scale) image with no color map
single-channel image with RGB color map in cmap
These functions are split into separate modules to give applications control over the memory they need to process images.
The JPEG reader handles only the Baseline sequential format as defined by the JFIF 1.02 file exchange format. Functions to write these formats are unimplemented.