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tokenize - split string into words


include "sys.m";
sys:= load Sys Sys->PATH;
tokenize: fn(s, delim: string): (int, list of string);


The tokenize function breaks s into words separated by characters in delim.

The returned tuple, (n, list), holds the number of words, n, and an ordered list, list, of those words. The first item on list (i.e., hd list) is the leftmost word from s.

Words are delimited by the maximal sequences of any character from the delim string. The tokenize function skips delimiter characters at the beginning and end of s, so each element in the returned list has non-zero length.

If s is nil or contains no words, tokenize returns a count of zero and a nil list.

The delim argument may be nil or the empty string, specifying no delimiter characters. The resulting word list will be nil (if s is nil or the empty string) or a single-item list with a copy of s.

See Also

Limbo System Modules

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