MS2(10.1) MS2(10.1) NAME ms2 - convert executable or raw file to Motorola S record format SYNOPSIS ms2 [ option ... ] infile DESCRIPTION ms2 converts the infile onto the standard output in Motorola S record format. If the -b option is not given, the infile is presumed to be an executable, and the header and symbol table stripped. If the -b option is given, the file is treated as raw binary. The options are: -d Encode the data segment only. -s Omit the end record, presumably to accomodate poorly implemented decoders. -Taddr -Aaddr Set the address of the text segment, i.e. the first record output. -a is an older, deprecated option. -Rn -pn Set the page size in use by the linker. -p is an older, deprecated option. -b The infile is binary. Ignores the -R and -d options. -Saddr Sets the entry address output in the end record. SOURCE 5cv(10.1) Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/11/25)