STYX(10.2)                                             STYX(10.2)

          Fcall, convS2M, convD2M, convM2S, convM2D, fcallconv,
          dirconv - C interface to Inferno File protocol

          #include <styx.h>

          int convS2M(Fcall *f, char *ap)

          int convD2M(Dir *d, char *ap)

          int convM2S(char *ap, Fcall *f, int n)

          int convM2D(char *ap, Dir *d)

          int dirconv(Fmt*)

          int fcallconv(Fmt*)

          These routines convert messages in the machine-independent
          format of the Inferno file protocol, Styx (see section 5 of
          this manual) to and from a more convenient form, an Fcall

          struct  Fcall
                  char  type;
                  short fid;
                  ushort     tag;
                  ushort     oldtag;                     /* T-Flush */
                  Qid   qid;       /* R-Attach, R-Walk, R-Open, R-Create */
                  char  uname[NAMELEN];                  /* T-Attach */
                  char  aname[NAMELEN];                  /* T-Attach */
                  char  ename[ERRLEN];                   /* R-Error */
                  long  perm;                        /* T-Create */
                  short newfid;                      /* T-Clone */
                  char  name[NAMELEN];                   /* T-Walk, T-Create */
                  char  mode;                        /* T-Create, T-Open */
                  long  offset;                      /* T-Read, T-Write */
                  long  count;                       /* T-Read, T-Write, R-Read */
                  char  *data;                       /* T-Write, R-Read */
                  char  stat[DIRLEN];                    /* T-Wstat, R-Stat */
          } Fcall;

          This structure is defined in <styx.h>.  See the other pages
          in this section of the manual for a full description of Styx
          messages and their encoding.  For all message types, the
          type field of an Fcall holds one of Tnop, Rnop, Tattach,

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          Rattach, etc. (defined in an enumerated type in <styx.h>).
          Fid is used by most messages, and tag is used by all mes-
          sages.  The other fields are used selectively by the message
          types given in comments.

          ConvM2S takes a buffer ap of length n, and attempts to
          unpack a complete Styx message to fill in Fcall structure f.
          To help a caller that is reading and processing Styx mes-
          sages from an input stream that does not preserve message
          boundaries, the return value distinguishes three cases:

          -    If the passed message, including any data for Twrite
               and Rread messages, forms a complete, properly format-
               ted Styx message, the return value is the number of
               bytes consumed.  It can be less than n when further
               messages or partial messages remain in ap. For Twrite
               and Tread messages, f->data is set to a pointer into
               the argument message, not a copy.

          -    If the message in ap is incomplete but valid thus far,
               the return value is 0; more bytes must be read and
               added to the buffer to complete the message.

          -    If the message is invalid, the return value is -1.

          ConvS2M does the reverse conversion, turning f into a mes-
          sage starting at ap. The length of the resulting message is
          returned; it returns -1 if the message type is invalid.  For
          Twrite and Rread messages, f->count bytes starting at
          f->data are copied into the message.

          The constant MAXMSG is the length of the longest message,
          excluding data; MAXFDATA (8192) is the maximum count in a
          read or write message.  Thus messages are guaranteed to be
          shorter than MAXMSG+MAXFDATA bytes long.

          Another structure is Dir, used by the routines described in
          sys-stat(2). ConvM2D converts the machine-independent form
          starting at ap into d and returns the length of the encod-
          ing.  ConvD2M does the reverse translation, also returning
          the length of the encoding.

          Dirconv and fcallconv are print(10.2) formatting routines.
          They convert Dir* and Fcall* values into string representa-
          tions of the directory buffer or Fcall buffer.  Fcallconv is
          installed under format F in the Inferno emulator and kernel.


          intro(2), styxlib(2), sys-stat(2), intro(5), intro(10),

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     STYX(10.2)                                             STYX(10.2)


          The offset and directory length fields have 8 bytes in the
          protocol, but these routines assume they fit into a long.

          ConvS2M should check for counts exceeding MAXFMSG.

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