EXPORT(4)                                               EXPORT(4)

          export, 9export - export name space on a connection

          export [ -a ] [ -n ] dir [ file ]
          9export dir

          Export calls Sys->export (see sys-dial(2)) to serve a name
          space rooted at dir over a connection to a Styx client.
          Export opens the connection on the given file, or uses the
          standard input by default.  It returns when the client
          closes the connection.  If the -a option is given, however,
          export starts an Inferno kernel process to serve the name
          space and returns immediately.

          Normally, export forks the current name space, and makes dir
          the root of its copy.  Changes subsequently made to the cur-
          rent name space will not be visible to clients of export. If
          the -n option is given, however, and dir is the root (`/'),
          export serves the current name space without forking it;
          changes made to it will be visible to clients.

          Export starts serving Styx immediately; it assumes that the
          connection has been authenticated if required.

          9export serves the name space rooted at dir over standard
          input and output to a 9P client; 9P is Plan 9's variant of
          Styx, defined in section 5 of the Plan 9 Manual.  No Plan 9
          authentication is performed, and the Tclwalk message is

          Start a background process to serve the name space on the
          serial port.

               export / /dev/eia0 &

          Although useful when bootstrapping a system, this is unsafe
          unless a transport protocol is run on the connection.


          cpu(1), sys-dial(2), intro(5)
          intro(5) in Plan 9 Programmer's Manual: Volume 1

     Page 1                       Plan 9             (printed 3/11/25)