FC(1)                                                       FC(1)

          fc - command-line floating point calculator

          fc [ base ] expression

          Fc calculates the result of its argument expression and
          prints the result in the format indicated by the optional
          base argument.  Base can be one of:

          -d   Decimal, as produced by the %g format of sys-print(2).

          -x   Hexadecimal, prefixed with 0x.

          -o   Octal, prefixed with 0.

          -b   Binary, prefixed with 0b.

          -B   As -b, but with extra lines to help bit-counting.

          -r radix
               In base radix, prefixed with ``radixr'', as understood
               by Limbo (e.g.  16r3fff).

          -c   As a unicode character, prefixed with @.

          Expression is in reverse polish notation: each command line
          argument is either an operand (number) or an operator.
          Operands are pushed on a stack; operators pop items from the
          stack (the number of items depends on the operator) and push
          their result. All operands are converted to double precision
          floating point numbers before being pushed.  Integer opera-
          tions convert their operands to big (64-bit) integers.  When
          all arguments are exhausted, all the values currently on the
          stack are printed, first-pushed first, in the specified out-
          put format.

          Operands can be given in any of the formats that fc can
          print, as detailed above.

          When an operation is not commutative, the argument values
          will be taken from the stack first-pushed first.  Most func-
          tions from from math-elem(2), math-fp(2) are provided.  In
          addition, other provided operators include:

          + - / x
               Representing the four rules. Note the use of x rather
               than *, to avoid clashes with shell metacharacters.

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     FC(1)                                                       FC(1)

          xx   To the power. (equivelant to 'pow')

          rad deg
               Convert value to or from radians.

          !    Factorial.

          _    Unary minus.

          and or xor not
               Bitwise operations.

          shl shr
               Bitwise shift left/right.

          p    Print the current top value on the stack.

          sum  Sum all the values currently pushed on the stack.

          swap Swap the top two stack items.

          dup  Duplicate the top item on the stack.

          rep  Repeatedly execute the last operator until there is
               only only one item left on the stack.  This is only
               valid for operators that take exactly two arguments.

          A few symbolic names for operands are recognised, including
          pi (or π), e, and macheps.

          fc 22 7 /

               gives 3.1428571429

          fc -b 1 2 3 4 sum

               gives 0b00001010

          fc 10 0b10 010 0x10 x rep 0xa00 swap -

               gives 0

          fc -help

               gives a usage summary, including a list of
               the names of all the operators.

          calc(1), math-fp(2), math-elem(2), sh-expr(1)


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     FC(1)                                                       FC(1)

          An error message is displayed if an operator is called on a
          stack with too few elements. This also causes fc to yield a
          non-null exit status.

          The -B option will only work for fixed-width fonts.

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