CRYPT-GENSK(2)                                     CRYPT-GENSK(2)

          crypt: genSK, genSKfromPK, sktopk, dhparams, sign, verify -
          generate keys and digital signatures

          include "ipints.m";
          ipints := load IPints IPints->PATH;
          IPint: import ipints;

          include "crypt.m";
          crypt := load Crypt Crypt->PATH;

          PK: adt
              pick {
              RSA =>
                  n:     ref IPint;   # modulus
                  ek:    ref IPint;   # exp (encryption key)
              Elgamal =>
                  p:     ref IPint;   # modulus
                  alpha: ref IPint;   # generator
                  key:   ref IPint;   # encryption key (alpha**secret mod p)
              DSA =>
                  p:     ref IPint;   # modulus
                  q:     ref IPint;   # group order, q divides p-1
                  alpha: ref IPint;   # group generator
                  key:   ref IPint;   # encryption key (alpha**secret mod p)

          SK: adt
              pick {
              RSA =>
                  pk:     ref PK.RSA;
                  dk:     ref IPint;   # exp (decryption key)
                  p:      ref IPint;   # q in pkcs
                  q:      ref IPint;   # p in pkcs
                  # precomputed crt values
                  kp:     ref IPint;   # k mod p-1
                  kq:     ref IPint;   # k mod q-1
                  c2:     ref IPint;   # for converting residues to number
              Elgamal =>
                  pk:     ref PK.Elgamal;
                  secret: ref IPint;   # decryption key
              DSA =>
                  pk:     ref PK.DSA;
                  secret: ref IPint;   # decryption key

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     CRYPT-GENSK(2)                                     CRYPT-GENSK(2)

          PKsig: adt
              pick {
              RSA =>
                  n:  ref IPint;
              Elgamal =>
                  r:  ref IPint;
                  s:  ref IPint;
              DSA =>
                  r:  ref IPint;
                  s:  ref IPint;

          genSK:       fn(algname: string, length: int): ref SK;
          genSKfromPK: fn(pk: ref PK): ref SK;
          sktopk:      fn(sk: ref SK): ref PK;

          sign:        fn(sk: ref SK, m: ref IPint): ref PKsig;
          verify:      fn(pk: ref PK, sig: ref PKsig, m: ref IPint): int;

          dhparams:    fn(nbits: int): (ref IPint, ref IPint);

          Crypt implements a set of public-key signature algorithms.
          The public/private key pairs are represented by values of
          the adt SK, containing both the private (secret) and public
          parts of the pair, and PK, containing only the public part.
          The several algorithms are represented by different pick

          GenSK generates a new public/private key pair, represented
          by SK.  Algname is the name of the algorithm to use; in the
          current implementation, dsa, elgamal and rsa are possible.
          Length gives the length of the key modulus in bits.  GenSK
          returns nil if an unknown algorithm has been specified.

          GenSKfromPK generates a private key that has the system
          parameters as the public key pk. It is used to generate new
          keys that are of the same complexity as old keys.

          Sktopk returns a reference to the public part of private key

          Sign creates a digital signature of a message m, represented
          by an IPint, using the private key sk. Typically m repre-
          sents a secure hash (eg, using crypt-sha1(2)) of a much
          larger message.

          Verify uses public key pk to verify that the value sig is a
          digital signature of the message m using the private key
          corresponding to pk. It returns non-zero (true) if the

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     CRYPT-GENSK(2)                                     CRYPT-GENSK(2)

          signature is valid; zero (false) otherwise.

          Most applications use generic operations on public and pri-
          vate keys, referring to PK and SK, but specific variants can
          be named, such as PK.RSA for RSA keys, allowing use of RSA-
          specific operations.  Crypt-dsagen(2) describes functions
          for key generation that are specific to various algorithms,
          using algorithm-specific parameters.

          Dhparams creates Diffie-Hellman parameters. It returns a
          tuple of IPints (alpha,p).  P is an nbits long prime number
          that serves as the modulus.  Alpha is a primitive root in
          the integer field defined by that modulus.

          crypt-dsagen(2), crypt-sha1(2), security-auth(2), security-

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