RABIN(2)                                                 RABIN(2)

          rabin - rabin fingerprinting

          include "rabin.m";
          rabin := load Rabin Rabin->PATH;
          Rcfg, Rfile: import rabin;

          init:     fn(bufio: Bufio);
          open:     fn(rcfg: ref Rcfg, b: ref Iobuf, min, max: int): (ref Rfile, string);

          Rcfg: adt {
               mk:  fn(prime, width, mod: int): (ref Rcfg, string);

          Rfile: adt {
               read:     fn(r: self ref Rfile): (array of byte, big, string);

          Rabin implements a data fingerprinting algorithm.  A rolling
          checksum is calculated while reading data.  Certain checksum
          values are taken to be data boundaries and used to split the
          data into chunks.

          Rcfg represents the parameters to the algorithm; Rcfg.mk
          creates a new instance.  Prime should be a prime number.
          Width is the width of the rolling checksum window in bytes.
          A wider window results in more diverse boundary patterns.  A
          window of 30 bytes should be reasonable for most uses.  Mod
          effectively sets the mean desired chunk size.  The rolling
          checksum is calculated modulo mod. All three parameters
          influence where chunk boundaries will be found.

          Rfile represents a file to read chunks from.  Open returns
          an initialised Rfile or an error string.  Min and max are
          the minimum and maximum size in bytes of chunks that will be
          returned.  Only the last chunk in a file can be smaller than
          the minimum chunk size.  Note that the mean chunk size may
          be off due to these parameters.  Data is read from Iobuf b.
          Rfile.read returns subsequent chunks of data and the file
          offset at which they were found, or an error message.  After
          end of file, the returned chunks are zero bytes long.


          Mechiel Lukkien, during GSoC 2007

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