W3C-CSS(2)                                             W3C-CSS(2)

          w3c-css - cascading style sheet parser

          include "css.m";

          css := load CSS CSS->PATH;

          Stylesheet: adt {
             charset:    string;
             imports:    list of ref Import;
             statements: list of ref Statement;

          Import: adt {
             name:   string;
             media:  list of string;

          Statement: adt {
             Media =>
                 media:  list of string;
                 rules:  list of ref Statement.Ruleset;
             Page =>
                 pseudo: string;
                 decls:  list of ref Decl;
             Ruleset =>
                 selectors: list of Selector;
                 decls:     list of ref Decl;

          Decl: adt {
             property:   string;
             values:     list of ref Value;
             important:  int;

          Selector:   type list of (int, Simplesel);   # (combinator, simplesel)
          Simplesel:  type list of ref Select;

          Select: adt {
             name:   string;
             Element or ID or Any or Class or Pseudo =>
                 # empty
             Attrib =>
                 op:     string; # "=" "~=" "|="
                 value:  ref Value;  # optional Ident or String

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             Pseudofn =>
                 arg:    string;

          Value: adt {
             sep:    int;    # operator preceding this term
             String or
             Number or
             Percentage or
             Url or
             Unicoderange =>
                 value:  string;
             Hexcolour =>
                 value:  string;             # as given
                 rgb:    (int, int, int);    # converted
             RGB =>
                 args:   cyclic list of ref Value;  # as given
                 rgb:    (int, int, int);           # converted
             Ident =>
                 name:   string;
             Unit =>
                 value:  string; # int or float
                 units:  string; # suffix giving units
             Function =>
                 name:   string;
                 args:   cyclic list of ref Value;

          init:       fn(diag: int);
          parse:      fn(s: string): (ref Stylesheet, string);
          parsedecl:  fn(s: string): (list of ref Decl, string);

          Css implements a parser for the World-Wide Web Consortium's
          Cascading Style Sheet, specification 2.1.

          Init must be called before any other operation in the mod-
          ule.  If diag is non-zero, the module will print diagnostics
          on standard output for malformed or unrecognised items that
          are ignored during parsing (as required by the specifica-

          Parse takes a complete stylesheet in string s, parses it,
          and returns a tuple (sheet, err) where sheet refers to a
          Stylesheet value containing the logical content of s, as
          described below.  On a fatal error, sheet is nil and err is
          a diagnostic.  Most syntactic errors are ignored, as the
          specification requires.

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          In some applications there can be auxiliary declarations
          outside a stylesheet.  Parsedecl takes a string s containing
          a sequence of declarations, and returns a tuple (decls, err)
          where decls is a list of references to Decl values, each
          representing a single declaration in s. On a fatal error,
          decls is nil, and err is a diagnostic.

          The adts represent an abstract syntax of the CSS grammar.
          The concrete syntax is presented below in an extended BNF,
          derived from the reference grammar, with each section
          labelled by the name of the corresponding adts.  (Compared
          to the reference grammar in the specification, it abstracts
          away from the complex rules about where whitespace can

               stylesheet ::= [ '@charset' STRING ';' ] import* statement*

               Limbo lists represent lists of items in the grammar.
               Nil values denote optional components that are missing.
               Upper-case names such as IDENT, STRING and NUMBER are
               terminals; see the CSS specification for their often
               subtle definitions.  They are usually represented by
               Limbo string values in the adts.

               import ::= '@import' (STRING|uri) [medium (',' medium)*] ';'
               uri ::= 'url(' STRING ')'

               Import.name holds the text of the STRING or uri.

               statement ::= ruleset | media | page
               media ::= '@media' medium (',' medium)* '{' ruleset* '}'
               medium ::= IDENT
               page ::= '@page' [pseudo_page] '{' declaration (';' declaration)* '}'
               pseudo_page ::= ':' IDENT
               ruleset ::= selector (',' selector)* '{' declaration (';' declaration)* '}'

               Statement is not in the reference grammar, but is
               introduced here to give a name corresponding to the
               pick adt.

               declaration ::= property ':' expr ['!' 'important'] | /* empty */
               property ::= IDENT
               Decl.values is a list representing the terms of the
               expr (see below for details).  Decl's field important
               is non-zero if the optional `important' priority is

          list of ref Value

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               expr ::= term (operator term)*
               operator ::= '/' | ',' | /* empty */

               An expr is always represented as a list of references
               to Value in some containing structure (where Value rep-
               resents a term, see below).  The operator preceding
               each term appears as the field sep of the corresponding
               Value, where a space character represents `empty' (con-

               selector ::= simple_selector (combinator simple_selector)*
               combinator ::= '+' | '>' | /* empty */

               Selector is just a type synonym for a list of tuples,
               say (com, simplesel) where the simplesel value repre-
               sents simple_selector (see below), and the integer com
               is one of the characters space (representing `empty'),
               `>' or `+', giving the combinator that preceded the
               simple selector.  (The first in the list is always

          Simplesel, Select
               simple_selector ::= element_name (hash | class | attrib | pseudo)*
                    | (hash | class | attrib | pseudo)+
               hash ::= '#' NAME
               class ::= '.' IDENT
               element_name ::= IDENT | '*'
               attrib ::= '[' IDENT [('=' | '|=' | '~=') (IDENT | STRING)] ']'
               pseudo ::= ':' ( IDENT | IDENT '(' [IDENT] ')' )

               A simple_selector is represented by Simplesel, a list
               of references to Select values, each representing one
               element_name or qualifier.  An element_name is repre-
               sented by Select.Element for an IDENT, or Select.Any
               for `*'.  The qualifiers are hash (Select.ID), class
               (Select.Class), attrib (Select.Attrib, where  the com-
               parison operator is the string op), pseudo (either
               Select.Pseudo if a plain identifier, or Select.Pseudofn
               for a function with optional parameter).

               term ::= ['+' | '-'] (NUMBER | percent | unit) | STRING | IDENT | uri | function | hexcolour | rgb
               function ::= IDENT '(' expr ')'
               hash ::= '#' NAME
               hexcolour ::= '#' HEXDIGIT+
               percent ::= NUMBER '%'
               unit ::= NUMBER STRING
               rgb ::= 'rgb(' term ',' term ',' term ')'
               uri ::= 'url(' STRING ')'

               Any sign before a Number, Percentage or Unit appears as

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               the first character of value.  All the dimensional
               units (LENGTH, EMS, EXS, ANGLE, TIME, FREQ and others)
               in the reference grammar are mapped to Value.Unit, with
               the field units containing the name of the relevant
               unit (eg, `cm', `in', etc.) in lower case.  Values and
               names appear shorn of the surrounding punctuation.
               Value.Hexcolour includes the original sequence of hex
               digits as a string, and a decoding of it as an rgb tri-
               ple.  The arguments to the CSS rgb function are simi-
               larly presented in original and decoded forms, in
               Value.RGB.  Other function references are returned
               uninterpreted in Value.Function.


          ``Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1'',

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