LPT(3) LPT(3) NAME lpt - parallel port interface SYNOPSIS bind -a #L[123] /dev /dev/lpt[123]data /dev/lpt[123]dlr /dev/lpt[123]pcr /dev/lpt[123]psr DESCRIPTION The lpt driver provides an interface to the parallel inter- face normally used for printers. The specifiers 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the parallel interfaces at PC ports 0x378, 0x3bc, and 0x278 respectively. Lpt?data is write only. Writing to it sends data to the interface. This file is sufficient for communicating with most printers. Lpt?dlr, lpt?pcr, and lpt?psr are used for fine control of the parallel port. Reading or writing these files corre- sponds to reading and writing the data latch register, printer control register, and printer status register. These are used by programs to drive special devices. The data is written as a hexadecimal (leading 0x), octal (lead- ing 0) or decimal number. Reads return a hexadecimal number representing the value of the register. SOURCE /os/*/devlpt.c Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/11/25)