KFSCMD(8) KFSCMD(8) NAME kfscmd - kfs administration SYNOPSIS disk/kfscmd [-n name] cmd ... DESCRIPTION Kfscmd issues commands to a kfs(4) server that was started with the -n option to create a control file. Kfscmd's own -n option names the file system to which the cmd applies; it is main by default. The known commands are described below. Note that some com- mands are multiple words (eg, check and its flags) and should be quoted to appear as a single argument to sh(1). allow Turn permission checking off (to simplify adminis- tration). Equivalent to the -P and -W options to kfs(4). allowoff disallow Turn permission checking on (again). sync write to disk all of the dirty blocks in the mem- ory cache. users Reinitialise authentication information by reading /adm/users. check [cdfpPqrtw] Check the file system and print summary informa- tion. The options are c fix bad tags and clear the contents of the block. d delete redundant references to a block. f rebuild the list of free blocks. p print the names of directories as they are checked. P print the names of all files as they are checked. q quiet mode: report errors, but suppress sum- mary information. r read all of the data blocks and check the tags. t fix bad tags. w write all of the blocks that are touched. SOURCE /appl/cmd/disk/kfscmd.b Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/1/25) KFSCMD(8) KFSCMD(8) SEE ALSO sd(3), kfs(4), mkfs(8) Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 3/1/25)