ASM(1E) ASM(1E) NAME asm, disdump - Dis assembler, Dis disassembler SYNOPSIS asm [-l] file disdump file... DESCRIPTION Asm reads one Dis assembly language file and translates it into instructions for the Dis virtual machine. The output is written to a file whose name is created by taking the last element of the input file, stripping any extension, and appending .dis For example, the output file for abc would be abc.dis; the output file for dir/def.s, would be def.dis. The assembler has one option: -l Generate a listing, showing the generated object code. Disdump prints to the standard output the Dis virtual machine instructions in each of its Dis file arguments. SOURCE /asm /appl/cmd/disdump.b SEE ALSO emu(1), limbo(1) ``The Dis Virtual Machine'' in Volume 2. BUGS There isn't a Limbo version of asm, which is therefore available only as a host command; but then again it is hardly used. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 2/23/25)