5COFF(10.1) 5COFF(10.1) NAME 5coff - converter to coff format SYNOPSIS 5coff [ -T t ] [ -D d ] [ -R r ] [ -E e ] [ -d ] ifile ofile DESCRIPTION 5coff converts an executable file ifile in a.out(10.6) for- mat as produced by 5l (see 2l(10.1)) to one in COFF format, which it writes to ofile. The options to 5coff are as fol- lows: -Tt The text segment starts at address t. -Dd The data segment starts at address d. -Rr The text segment is rounded up to a multiple of r if non-zero. -Ee The entry point is at address e. -d Print debugging information. EXAMPLE An executable built with the command 5l -T0x04010000 -R4 -o abc ... can be converted to coff format by 5coff -T0x04010000 -R4 abc abc.coff SOURCE /utils/5coff SEE ALSO 2l(10.1), 5cv(10.1), a.out(10.6) Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 2/15/25)