COMPLETE(2)                                           COMPLETE(2)

          complete - file name completion

          include "complete.m";
          complete := load Complete Complete->PATH;

          Completion: adt {
              advance:  int;    # whether forward progress has been made
              complete: int;    # whether the completion now represents a file or directory
              str:      string; # string to advance, suffixed " " (file) or "/" (directory)
              nmatch:   int;    # number of files that matched
              filename: array of string;    # their names

          init:     fn();
          complete: fn(dir, s: string): (ref Completion, string);

          Complete implements file name completion.

          Init must be called before any other operation of the mod-

          Given a directory dir and a string s, complete returns a
          tuple (c, err), where c is an analysis of the file names in
          that directory that begin with the string s. The field
          nmatch will be set to the number of files that match the
          prefix and filename will be filled in with their names.  If
          the file named is a directory, a slash character will be
          appended to it.  On an error, c is nil and err is a diagnos-
          tic string.

          If no files match the string, nmatch will be zero, but
          complete will return the full set of files in the directory.

          The flag advance reports whether the string s can be
          extended without changing the set of files that match.  If
          true, str will be set to the extension; that is, the value
          of str may be appended to s by the caller to extend the
          embryonic file name unambiguously.

          The flag complete reports whether the extended file name
          uniquely identifies a file.  If true, str will be suffixed
          with a blank, or a slash and a blank, depending on whether
          the resulting file name identifies a plain file or a direc-


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     COMPLETE(2)                                           COMPLETE(2)


          The complete function returns a nil reference and a diagnos-
          tic string if the directory is unreadable or there is some
          other error.

     Page 2                       Plan 9             (printed 3/14/25)