ITSLIB(2)                                               ITSLIB(2)

              itslib - test library

          include "itslib.m";
          itslib := load Itslib Itslib->PATH;

          S_INFO: con 0;
          S_WARN: con 1;
          S_ERROR: con 2;
          S_FATAL: con 3;
          S_STIME: con 4;
          S_ETIME: con 5;
          ENV_MFD: con "ITS_MFD";

          Tconfig: adt {
               verbosity: int;
               mfd: ref Sys->FD;
               report: fn(t: self ref Tconfig, sev: int, verb: int, msg: string);
               done: fn(t: self ref Tconfig);

          init: fn(): ref Tconfig;

          Itslib provides a simple error reporting facility for tests
          which can be run by itest(1).

          The module must first be initialised by calling init which
          returns an adt containing the verbosity setting specified
          for this test run, and the message file descriptor used to
          pass messages back to itest. These two items of information
          are passed to the test via the environment variables
          ITS_VERBOSITY and ITS_MFD.

               Report a message with specified severity and verbosity.
               Severity must be one of S_INFO, S_WARN, S_ERROR or
               S_FATAL for Information, warnings, errors and fatal
               errors respectively.  Verbosity is an integer between 0
               and 9.  For informatory messages (severity S_INFO), the
               message will only be displayed if the current verbosity
               level is greater than or equal to verbosity.

               Tell the test system that all significant work has been
               completed. This useful when for example results are
               displayed in an interactive manner following the test
               proper. For recording purposes the test will be
               regarded as having finished when this function is
               called, rather than when the test finally exits.

     Page 1                       Plan 9             (printed 3/11/25)

     ITSLIB(2)                                               ITSLIB(2)

          A very simple test program.

          implement T;
          include "sys.m";
               sys: Sys;
          include "draw.m";
               draw: Draw;
          include "itslib.m";
               itslib: Itslib;
               Tconfig, S_INFO, S_WARN, S_ERROR, S_FATAL: import itslib;

          T: module
               init:     fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string);

          tconf: ref Tconfig;

          init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string)
               sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
               itslib = load Itslib Itslib->PATH;
               if (itslib != nil) tconf = itslib->init();
               report(S_INFO, 5, "Testing addition of 1 + 2");
               x := 1 + 2;
               if (x == 3)
                    report(S_INFO, 6, "Addition of 1 + 2 OK");
                    report(S_ERROR, 5, sys->sprint("Addition of 1 + 2 gave %d", x));

          report(sev: int, verb: int, msg: string)
               if (tconf != nil), verb, msg);
               else sys->print("%d:%s0, sev, msg);

          itest(1), sh-test(2)

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