LISTS(2)                                                 LISTS(2)

          lists: allsat, anysat, append, combine, concat, delete,
          filter, ismember, last, map, pair, partition, rev, unpair-
          list operations

          include "lists.m"
          lists := load Lists Lists->PATH;

          append:    fn[T](l: list of T, x: T): list of T;
          combine:   fn[T](l1: list of T, l2: list of T): list of T;
          concat:    fn[T](l1: list of T, l2: list of T): list of T;
          delete:    fn[T](x: T, l: list of T): list of T
                       for { T => eq:  fn(a, b: T): int; };
          ismember:  fn[T](x: T, l: list of T): int
                       for { T =>  eq: fn(a, b: T): int; };
          last:      fn[T](l: list of T): T;
          pair:      fn[T1, T2](l1: list of T1, l2: list of T2):
                       list of (T1, T2);
          reverse:   fn[T](l: list of T): list of T;
          unpair:    fn[T1, T2](l: list of (T1, T2)):
                       (list of T1, list of T2);

          allsat:    fn[T](p: ref fn(x: T): int, l: list of T): int;
          anysat:    fn[T](p: ref fn(x: T): int, l: list of T): int;
          filter:    fn[T](p: ref fn(x: T): int, l: list of T): list of T;
          map:       fn[T](f: ref fn(x: T): T, l: list of T): list of T;
          partition: fn[T](p: ref fn(x: T): int, l: list of T):
                       (list of T, list of T);

          The module provides operations on lists of type T, which may
          be any reference type, or string.  Reference types are
          array, chan, list, module, and refadt.  None of the opera-
          tions change their parameter lists: they always return a new

          First, there is a group of common list operations.

          Append returns a new list with the elements of l followed by
          the element x.

          Combine returns a new list that has the elements of both l1
          and l2 in no defined order.

          Concat returns a new list that has the elements of l1 fol-
          lowed by the elements of l2.

          Delete returns a new list in which the first element of l
          that is equal to x has been removed (all others remain).  X

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          must be an adt reference type T with an operation T.eq that
          returns true (non-zero) if two values of type T are consid-
          ered equal.

          Ismember returns 1 if there is an element of l that is equal
          to x.

          Last returns the value of the element at the end of list l.
          A run-time error occurs if l is nil.

          Pair takes two lists l1 and l2, and returns a new list of
          tuples (v1, v2) in which each element of l1 has been paired
          with the corresponding element of l2. A run-time error
          occurs if the lists are not equal in length.

          Reverse returns a new list containing the elements of l in
          reverse order.

          Unpair takes a list of tuples (v1, v2) and returns a tuple
          of lists (l1, l2) where l1 contains the first element of
          each tuple, and l2 contains the second element of each

          A second group of operations applies a function f or a
          Boolean predicate p to each element of a list l, returning a
          transformed list or a Boolean value.  A predicate p must
          return non-zero if its parameter value satisfies its condi-
          tion, and must return zero if it does not.

          Allsat returns 1 if all elements of l satisfy p, and returns
          0 otherwise.

          Anysat returns 1 if any element of l satisfies p, and
          returns 0 otherwise.

          Filter returns a new list containing only the elements of l
          that satisfy p.

          Map returns a new list in which each element of l has been
          transformed by f (ie, if l is e0::e1::...  then the result
          is f(e0)::f(e1)::...).

          Partition returns a tuple of lists (l1, l2) of lists where
          l1 contains all elements of l that satisfy p and l2 contains
          all elements of l that do not satisfy p.


          The current implementation of polymorphism is limited to
          reference types and strings, which in turn limits use of

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          this module.

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