MPEG(2)                                                   MPEG(2)

          mpeg - interface to the mpeg device driver

          include "draw.m";
          include "mpeg.m";
          mpeg:= load Mpeg Mpeg->PATH;

          play:     fn(d:       ref Display,
                         w:       ref Image,
                         dopaint: int,
                         r:       Rect,
                         file:    string,
                         notify:  chan of string): string;
          ctl:      fn(msg: string): int;
          keycolor: fn(d: ref Display): ref Image;

          Mpeg provides a primitive interface to the mpeg(3) device.

          Play plays the specified MPEG file in rectangle r within
          window w on display d. The dopaint flag specifies whether,
          before playing the movie, to paint the rectangle with the
          chroma key colour of the device.

          Notify is a channel upon which to receive errors and status.
          If notify is nil, play runs synchronously, returning the
          empty string ("") when the movie completes, or a description
          of any error.  If notify is not nil, play spawns an asyn-
          chronous process to play the movie and returns the empty
          string immediately; the process returns the status on the
          notify channel when the movie completes.

          Ctl writes msg, the string given as an argument, to the MPEG
          control interface /dev/mpegctl.

          Keycolor uses the Display d to create a single-pixel, repli-
          cated off screen Image of colour Chroma (16r05).



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