PALMFILE(2)                                           PALMFILE(2)

          Palmfile: Categories, DBInfo, Doc, Entry, Pfile, Record -
          read Palm™ file formats

          include "bufio.m";
          include "palmfile.m";

          palmfile := load Palmfile Palmfile->PATH;

          Pfile: adt {
              fname:  string;

              appinfo:  array of byte;
              sortinfo: array of int;

              entries:  array of ref Entry;

              open:   fn(name: string, mode: int): (ref Pfile, string);
              close:  fn(pf: self ref Pfile): int;
              read:   fn(pf: self ref Pfile, index: int): (ref Record, string);
              stat:   fn(pf: self ref Pfile): ref DBInfo;

          DBInfo: adt {
              name:    string; # database name on Palm
              attr:    int;    # file attributes (defined below)
              dtype:   string; # database type (byte[4])
              version: int;    # version of data layout, defined by application
              creator: string; # creating application (byte[4])
              ctime:   int;    # creation time
              mtime:   int;    # modification time
              btime:   int;    # last backup
              modno:   int;    # modification number
              uidseed: int;    # unique record ID seed

              new:     fn(name: string, attr: int, dtype: string,
                             version: int, creator: string): ref DBInfo;

          Entry: adt {
              id: int;        # resource: id; record: unique ID
              offset: int;    # offset in file
              size:   int;    # size in bytes
              name:   int;    # resource entry only
              attr:   int;    # record entry only

          Record: adt {
              id:     int;    # resource: ID; data: unique record ID

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              index:  int;    # record index (origin 0)
              name:   int;    # byte[4]: resource record only
              attr:   int;    # attributes, defined below, data record only
              cat:    int;    # category, data record only
              data:   array of byte;   # content of record


          Categories: adt {
              renamed: int;    # which categories have been renamed
              labels:  array of string; # category names
              uids:    array of int;    # corresponding unique IDs
              lastuid: int;             # last unique ID assigned
              appdata: array of byte;   # remaining application-specific data

              new:     fn(labels: array of string): ref Categories;
              unpack:  fn(a: array of byte): ref Categories;
              pack:    fn(c: self ref Categories): array of byte;

          Doc: adt {
              version:  int;
              length:   int;  # uncompressed
              nrec:     int;  # text records only
              recsize:  int;  # uncompressed
              position: int;
              sizes:    array of int;   # sizes of uncompressed records

              open:     fn(file: ref Pfile): (ref Doc, string);
              read:     fn(doc: self ref Doc, i: int): (string, string);
              iscompressed:  fn(doc: self ref Doc): int;
              unpacktext: fn(doc: self ref Doc, a: array of byte):
                             (string, string);
              textlength: fn(doc: self ref Doc, a: array of byte): int;

          init:     fn(): string;

          filename: fn(s: string): string;
          dbname:   fn(s: string): string;

          gets:     fn(a: array of byte): string;
          puts:     fn(a: array of byte, s: string);
          get2:     fn(a: array of byte): int;
          get3:     fn(a: array of byte): int;
          get4:     fn(a: array of byte): int;
          put2:     fn(a: array of byte, v: int);
          put3:     fn(a: array of byte, v: int);
          put4:     fn(a: array of byte, v: int);

          Palmfile provides read-only access to files in the Palm™

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          database and document formats.  It currently handles three
          types of files: Palm Database (.pdb) files, which store data
          for applications; Palm Resource (.prc) files, which store
          code resources and user interface resource elements; and
          Palm Doc (.doc) files, which store compressed documents for
          the Palm document and e-book readers.  Database and resource
          files have a similar structure, with slight differences in
          representation, and differing mainly in how the contents are

          Init must be called before any other function in the file.
          It returns a diagnostic if it cannot initialise the module.

          Pfile represents an open Palm file of any type:

               Opens file name with the given mode (which must cur-
               rently be Sys->OREAD) and returns a tuple (pf,err).  Pf
               is a new Pfile instance giving access to the file, or
               nil if the open failed, in which case the err string
               contains a diagnostic.

               Close the file (needed only when writing to a file is
               eventually supported).

               Returns a tuple (rec, err) where rec is a Record con-
               taining the data of the record with the given index
               (origin 0), or nil if no such record index exists or it
               cannot be read.  In the latter case, err is a diagnos-
               tic string.

               Return the database information for pf.

               An array of Entry values (see below), one per record.
               The length of the array is consequently the length of
               the file in records.  It can be nil or empty.

               Optional application-specific data (see Categories

               Optional application-specific data (typically an array
               of record IDs in a chosen sorting order).

               File name given to

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          DBInfo gives the database information for a file:

          name     Database name used on the Palm, maximum of 31 char-

          attr     A bit set of file attributes, containing the fol-
                   lowing values:

                   Fresource      File is a resource file (.prc) not a
                                  database file (.pdb).

                   Fronly         File is read only.

                   Fappinfodirty  Application information has changed.

                   Fbackup        No conduit program exists (the whole
                                  file must be backed up).

                   Foverwrite     Overwrite older copy if present.

                   Freset         Reset PDA after installing this

                   Fprivate       Don't allow copy of this file to be

          dtype    String identifying database type (up to 4 charac-
                   ters).  It is usually the string "appI" for
                   resource files.

          version  Identifies the version of the data format (applica-
                   tion specific).

          creator  String identifying creating application (up to 4

          ctime    File creation time, in seconds from the Inferno
                   epoch (see daytime(2)).

          mtime    Time file last modified, in seconds from the epoch.

          btime    Time file last backed up, in seconds from the

          uidseed  Seed for generating unique record IDs (typically
                   set to 0 for database files, always 0 for resource

          new(name, attr, dtype, creator)
                   Return a new DBInfo with the given values.

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          In some applications, it is useful to use a data base name
          (ie, as a component of an Inferno file name.
          The device allows space and slash characters in names,
          though, which makes it hard to use the name directly.
          Filename maps each space character in s to U+00A0
          (unpaddable space) and each slash character to U+2215
          (`division /'), and returns the result.  Dbname maps the
          other way.

        Entries and Records
          Each record in the file is represented by an Entry in mem-
          ory, which holds the record's essential attributes, leaving
          the data on file.  The meaning of some of the elements
          depends on whether the file is a data file or a resource

          id      Resource ID, 16 bits (resource file); unique record
                  ID, 24 bits (data file).

          offset  Offset in file, in bytes.

          size    Size of record in bytes.

          name    Name of the resource (resource record only).

          attrs   Record attributes (data record only):

                  Rdelete   Delete the record when file next synchro-

                  Rdirty    Record has been modified.

                  Rinuse    Record in use (not typically used in

                  Rsecret   Record is secret (shown on the device only
                            with use of a password).

                  Rarchive  Archive this record when file next syn-

                  Rmcat     Mask for the 4-bit category field (in
                            Entry.attrs only).

          Records read from the file are represented by a Record adt
          containing its data and associated values.  Some fields are
          valid only for particular classes of records.

          id     Resource or record ID, as for Entry.

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          index  Index (origin 0) of the record in the file.

          name   Resource name (resource record only).

          attr   Record attributes, as above (data record only).

          cat    Record's category ID (data record only).

          data   The actual data.

        Application data
          The contents of both the ``application information'' and
          ``sort information'' sections of the file are defined by an
          application in general.  Even so, both have conventional
          uses with many Palm applications.  The Palm software often
          assigns data records to particular categories (eg, ``Busi-
          ness'' or ``Personal''), and stores up to 16 category names
          and IDs in the application data in a fixed format (possibly
          followed by further data that is application specific).
          This is represented by an instance of Categories, which pro-
          vides the following:

          renamed  Bit set indicating which categories have been
                   renamed (for category 0, bit 1<<0, for 1, bit 1<<1,
                   and so on).

          labels   Array of 16 category labels.

          uids     Array of 16 category IDs, each in the range 0 to
                   255.  (It is said that the Palm itself assigns 0 to
                   127 and desktop applications assign 128 to 255.)

          lastuid  Last unique category ID assigned.

          appdata  Any data that remained after unpacking the category

                   Return a new Categories value for the given array
                   of labels, assigning unique IDs to each in turn,
                   starting from 128.  There can be at most 16 labels;
                   if there are fewer, the remaining labels will be
                   marked as unused (empty strings).

                   Unpack the application data in array a (typically
                   pf.appinfo for some Pfile pf), returning a refer-
                   ence to a new Categories instance.  A nil value is
                   returned if the array is too short to hold valid
                   category data.

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          c.pack() Pack c into a form suitable for writing back to a
                   file's application information area.

          Binary data in Palm files is typically encoded in big-endian
          form.  Palmfile functions account for that internally, but
          some Palm applications might use big-endian data in their
          own data records.  Several functions are therefore provided
          to decode and encode big-endian data: getn retrieves an
          integer from the first n bytes of array a; putn stores a
          big-endian representation of the value v in the first n
          bytes of array a.

          Strings are stored in fixed-length arrays of bytes, always
          terminated by a zero byte.  The character encoding is
          (apparently) Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1), not UTF-8, so functions
          gets and puts are provided to convert between that represen-
          tation and a Limbo string.

          Doc provides read-only access to Palm documents and (unen-
          crypted) e-books:

                    Given a Pfile file, return a tuple (doc, err)
                    where doc is a new Doc instance giving access to
                    the document contents in file. If an error occurs,
                    in particular if file does not appear to be a
                    valid Palm document, doc is nil and the string err
                    diagnoses the error.

                    Returns true (non-zero) if the document is com-
                    pressed; returns false (zero) otherwise.

                    Read text record with index i (origin 0), return-
                    ing a tuple (s, err) where s is the uncompressed
                    text for record i, or nil if the record does not
                    exist (or there is an error reading it).  On any
                    error, err is a diagnostic string.  Note that i is
                    an index into the set of text records, and is not
                    an index into the set of all records.  It must be
                    no greater than doc.nrec.  doc.unpacktext(a)
                    Returns a tuple (s, err) where s is the text in
                    array a, after uncompressing if doc contains com-
                    pressed records.  Following Palm conventions, the
                    text is assumed to be written in the Latin-1
                    encoding (ISO-8859-1).  If it is compressed but
                    the data in a is corrupt (cannot be uncompressed),
                    s is nil and err diagnoses the problem.

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                    Returns the number of bytes required to store the
                    text in array a once it has been uncompressed (if

          version   The document's version number.

          length    The length of the whole document in bytes, when

          nrec      Number of text records in the document.

          recsize   Size of uncompressed text records.

          position  Possibly records the position where reading last

          sizes     Array giving sizes of all text records, once

          Most document-reading applications require only and
, and perhaps Doc.length to guide the construction
          of scroll bars (for instance).


          Palm® File Format Specification, Gary Hillerson, Palm Inc.,
          Document Number 3008-004, 1 May 2001.
          [Palm®] standard text document file format, Paul Lucas, 18
          August 1998.

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