VOLUME(2) (mux) VOLUME(2) NAME volume - volume control for an infrared interface SYNOPSIS include "volume.m"; vctl := load Volumectl Volumectl->PATH; volumectl: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, ch: chan of int, device: string); DESCRIPTION Volumectl should be spawned as a separate process from any process that desires volume control via an infrared inter- face. Ctxt provides volumectl with access to the display, on which it displays a slider widget. The slider automati- cally disappears after several seconds of inactivity. Volumectl receives input from the infrared controller on channel ch. The values recognized are: VolUP increase volume VolDN decrease volume Enter exit Device is a string used as a prefix to commands to the device; for example "audio out" for audio(3). FILES /dev/volume SOURCE /appl/lib/volume.b SEE ALSO ir(2), prefab-intro(2) Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25)