DS(3)                                                       DS(3)

          ds - compound device subsystems

          bind -b #k /dev


          Ds builds complex block storage subsystems out of simpler
          ones.  Inspired by the Plan 9 file server kernel's configu-
          ration strings, it provides device mirroring, partitioning,
          interleaving, and catenation for block-oriented file sys-

          It serves a two-level directory.  The top level contains a
          single directory ds, which contains a control file ctl and
          one file per configured device.

          The control messages each introduce a new device, here named
          new. The file arguments are interpreted in the name space of
          the writer.

          mirror new files...
               The device new corresponds to a RAID 1 mirroring of
               files. Writes to new are handled by sequentially writ-
               ing to the files from right to left (the reverse of of
               the order in the control message).  If any write fails,
               the write is aborted.  Reads from new are handled by
               sequentially reading from the files from left to right
               until one succeeds.  The length of the mirror device is
               the minimum of the lengths of the files.

          part new file offset length
               The device new corresponds to the length bytes starting
               at offset in file. If offset+length reaches past the
               end of file, length is silently reduced to fit.

          inter new files...
               The device new corresponds to the block interleaving of
               files; an 8192-byte block size is assumed.

          cat name files...
               The device new corresponds to the catenation of files.

          If the variable fsconfig is set in plan9.ini(8) then ds will
          read its configuration from the file $fsconfig on the first
          attach.  This is useful when the machine boots from a local

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     DS(3)                                                       DS(3)

          file server that uses fs.

          Mirror the two disks /dev/sdC0/data and /dev/sdD0/data as
          /dev/ds/m0; similarly, mirror /dev/sdC1/data and
          /dev/sdD1/data as /dev/ds/m1:

               echo mirror m0 /dev/sdC0/data /dev/sdD0/data >/dev/ds/ctl
               echo mirror m1 /dev/sdC1/data /dev/sdD1/data >/dev/ds/ctl

          Interleave the two mirrored disks to create /dev/ds/data:

               echo inter data /dev/ds/m0 /dev/ds/m1 >/dev/ds/ctl

          Run kfs(4) on the interleaved device:

               disk/kfs -f /dev/ds/data

          Save the configuration:

               cp /dev/ds/ctl /dev/fd0disk
               To load the configuration automatically at boot time,
               add this to plan9.ini:




          Should be able to select block size for interleaved devices.

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