JSON(6) JSON(6) NAME json - javascript object notation DESCRIPTION JSON is a textual data transport encoding for a small col- lection of basic and structured values: null, booleans, num- bers, strings, arrays, and objects (property/value list). It is a subset of JavaScript (ECMAScript). Json(2) describes a Limbo module that can read and write streams of JSON-encoded data. The encoding syntax and its interpretation is defined by Internet RFC4627, but is briefly summarised here: text ::= array | object value ::= null | true | false | number | string | array | object object ::= '{' [pair (',' pair)*] '}' pair ::= string ':' value array ::= '[' [value (',' value)*] ']' number ::= int frac? exp? int ::= '-'? [0-9] | [1-9][0-9]+ frac ::= '.' [0-9]+ exp ::= [eE][-+]? [0-9]+ string ::= '"' char* '"' char ::= [^\x00-\x1F"\\] | '\"' | '\/' | '\b' | '\f' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' | '\u' hex hex hex hex hex ::= [0-9a-fA-F] A sequence of blank, tab, newline or carriage-return charac- ters (`white space') can appear before or after opening and closing brackets and braces, colons and commas, and is ignored. The null represents a null value of any type. The strings in the pairs of an object are intended to represent member names, and should be unique within that object. Note that array and object denotations can be empty. Also note that the RFC wants applications to exchange a text (ie, object or array) not an arbitrary value. SEE ALSO json(2), sexprs(6), ubfa(6) D Crockford, ``The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)'', RFC4627. http://www.json.org/ Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/12/25)