AI2KEY(8)                                               AI2KEY(8)

          ai2key, dsagen, rsagen - generate and reformat public keys

          ai2key [ -t tag ] keyfile

          dsagen [ -t tag ]

          rsagen [ -b nbits ] [ -t tag ]

          Factotum(4) represents public keys as lists of attribute-
          value pairs, each key on a single line prefixed with the
          string key.

          Ai2key converts the original Inferno representation of
          authentication data, in the format defined for authinfo by
          keytext(6), to an attribute-value format accepted by
          factotum(4) for the infauth authentication protocol.  For
          each keyfile it writes a single line on standard output,
          containing the following fields:

            key proto=infauth [ tag ] sigalg=pkalg-hashalg [ dom=host
               ] server=host [ service=svc ] user=name signer=name
               pk=pk !sk=sk spk=pk cert=cert dh-alpha=hex dh-p=hex


               pkalg          is dsa, elgamal or rsa
               hashalg        is md5 or sha1
               user           is the user name associated with the
                              key, as vouched for by the supporting
                              certificate cert
               signer         is the user name associated with the key
                              that signed the certificate
               pk             is the user's public key
               !sk            is the user's private (secret) key
               spk            is the signer's public key
               cert           is the certificate
               dh-alpha, dh-p are the Diffie-Hellman parameters shared
                              by the user and file servers.

          The key is tagged by one or more of dom, server and service,
          derived from the file name keyfile. The server is `*' if
          keyfile is default.  Otherwise keyfile has the form

               [ net!  ] host [ !srv ]

          and server and service are set accordingly; dom is set if
          host looks like a domain name.  Key and certificate values

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     AI2KEY(8)                                               AI2KEY(8)

          have the form defined in keytext(6); hex is a large number
          in hexadecimal.

          Dsagen prints a randomly-generated DSA private key using the
          NIST-recommended algorithm.  If tag text is specified, it is
          printed after the proto attribute-value pair.  Typically,
          tag is a sequence of attribute-value comments describing the
          key.  A DSA key has the following attributes

               p       prime public modulus
               q       prime group order; divides p-1
               alpha   group generator
               key     alpha^!secret mod p
               !secret the secret exponent

          Rsagen prints a randomly generated RSA private key whose n
          has exactly nbits (default 1024) significant bits.  The key
          has the following attributes:

               size the number of significant bits in n
               ek   the encryption exponent
               n    the product of !p and !q
               !dk  the decryption exponent
               !p   a large prime
               !q   another large prime
               !kp, !kq, !c2
                    parameters derived from the other attributes,
                    cached to speed decryption

          All the numbers in dsagen and rsagen output are in hexadeci-
          mal except RSA's size, which is decimal.  A public key omits
          the attributes beginning with `! .'  A key may have other
          attributes as well, for example a service attribute identi-
          fying how this key is typically used, but to these utilities
          such attributes are merely comments.  They can be provided
          in a tag argument.



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