TR2POST(1)                                             TR2POST(1)

          tr2post - convert troff intermediate to PostScript

          tr2post [ options ] [ files ... ]

          Tr2post converts files (or standard input), which should be
          the device-independent output of troff(1), into the
          PostScript printer language.

          The options are:

          -a aspectratio
               Set an aspect ratio (y/x) to stretch the PostScript
               output (default 1.0).

          -c copies
               Set a comment in the PostScript output marking the num-
               ber of copies that should be printed.  The comment is
               intended for ancient versions of the Unix lp(1) and is
               not recognized by any current printer or print spooler.

          -d   Emit volumes of debugging output on standard error.

          -m magnification
               Magnify the PostScript output (default 1.0).

          -n formsperpage
               Print the PostScript with formsperpage logical pages
               per physical page (default 1).  Using this option emits
               PostScript with invalid document structuring comments.
               It will print fine but will not view correctly in gv(1)
               or psv (see page(1)).

          -o pagelist
               Print only the pages in the pagelist, which is a
               comma-separated list of ranges.  Each range is of the
               form p (just page p), p-q (pages p through q), -p
               (pages 1 through p), or p- (pages p through the end of
               the document).

          -p l Print the document in landscape mode.  An argument that
               does not begin with `l' will print the document in por-
               trait mode.

          -x xoffset
               Translate the page output by xoffset inches to the
               right.  (Negative offsets translate to the left.)

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     TR2POST(1)                                             TR2POST(1)

          -y yoffset
               Translate the page output by yoffset inches down.
               (Negative offsets translate up.)

          -P pscode
               Emit the text pscode at the end of the usual PostScript

          Preview this manual page:

               troff -man /usr/local/plan9/man/man1/tr2post.1 |
               tr2post |
               psfonts >/tmp/
               psv /tmp/


          troff(1), psfonts(1)

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