GAMES(1) GAMES(1) NAME 4s, 5s, ana, gnuchess, juggle, mandel, plumb, smiley, life, fsim, clock, catclock, fireworks, swar - time wasters SYNOPSIS games/4s games/5s games/ana [ fixwords ] games/fireworks games/gnuchess games/juggle [ -h nhand ] [ start ] pattern games/mandel games/plumb [ level ] games/smiley games/life startfile games/fsim games/clock games/catclock [ -c ] games/swar DESCRIPTION There are a few games in /bin/games: 4s, 5s Try to fill complete rows using 4-square or 5- square tiles. Move tiles left or right by moving the mouse. Rotate tiles with buttons 1 and 3. Drop tiles for more points with button 2 or the space bar. ana Find anagrams for words typed on standard input. Anagrams can contain several dictionary words. The fixwords argument or numbers typed on stan- dard input fix the number of words in the output anagrams. gnuchess Play chess. Type `help' to list commands. juggle Simulate a juggler. The pattern lists the heights of a repeating sequence of throws. At time t, hand (t mod nhand) throws. At that time, it must hold exactly one ball, unless it executes a 0 throw, in which case it must hold no ball. A throw of height h at time t lands at time t+h in hand ((t+h) mod nhand). Some patterns require a start sequence of throws to get the balls into position. mandel Compute and display Mandelbrot sets. Menus on the mouse buttons control various things. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 12/21/24) GAMES(1) GAMES(1) plumb Build a plumbing system. Keep ahead of the advancing oil and don't waste pipe. The level argument lets you start at a harder level. smiley A game of historical importance. Type space to shoot, comma to move left, and period to go right. life Play the game of life, given an initial position. There is a library of interesting initial posi- tions; the library is consulted if startfile can- not be found. fsim Pretend you're flying a Cessna. clock catclock Display analog clocks. Option -c makes catclock crosseyed. fireworks Hoist the fiery blue peter. swar Space war for two players called MCI and SPRINT. One player types a or d to turn left or right, s to shoot, x to disappear briefly (``enter hyper- space'') and w to accelerate. The other player uses k, ;, l, . (the period) and o. AT&T scores whenever either ship shoots itself or otherwise causes mayhem. Hyperspace is occasionally fatal. FILES /sys/games/lib/4scores scores of 4s games /sys/games/lib/5scores scores of 5s games /sys/games/lib/plumb/scores scores of plumb games /sys/games/lib/anawords used by ana /sys/games/lib/plumb/* miscellaneous files used by plumb /sys/games/lib/life/* interesting starting positions Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 12/21/24)