MOVIE(1)                                                 MOVIE(1)

          movie - algorithm animation

          movie [ -d ] [ files ... ]

          Movie converts a `movie script' into an internal representa-
          tion, then displays it in a window.  Or, if the input file
          is already in the internal representation format, the con-
          version step is skipped.  The -d option says to leave the
          internal representation around in a file with the same name
          as the input file, with the suffix (if any) replaced by .i.
          If no file names are given, standard input is used.  If more
          than one file name is given, they are each animated in turn.

          Button 1 stops and starts the movie; button 2 adjusts view
          sizes and selects clicks; button 3 sets various parameters.
          The `new file' option on the button 3 menu prompts for
          another file to display; that file must be in internal rep-
          resentation format.

        Movie scripts
          A movie consists of multiple independent views, each pre-
          sented as a rectangular sub-window.  If no view statements
          appear, there is a single implicit view def.view.  Any text
          or geometrical object may be labeled with a name and colon.
          Labels and coordinates are local to views.  A recurring
          label erases the previous object with that label.

          Comments follow #; blank lines are ignored.

          text options x y string
               Text is centered and medium size by default;  options:
               one of center ljust rjust above below, and one of small
               medium big bigbig.  A leading quote is stripped from
               string, as is a trailing quote if a leading one is pre-
          line options x1 y1 x2 y2
               Lines are solid by default;  options: one of fat fatfat
               dotted dashed and one of -> <- <->.
          box options xmin ymin xmax ymax
               A box may be filled.
          circle options x1 y1 radius
               Radius is measured in the x dimension.  A circle may be
          erase label
               Erase an object explicitly.
               Erase all objects currently in the current view.

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     MOVIE(1)                                                 MOVIE(1)

          click optional-name
               Place a mark in the intermediate with this name; clicks
               are used to control stepping in a movie or to define
               frames for a set of stills.
          view name
               Associate subsequent objects with this view, until
               changed again.

          All files are in /sys/lib/movie/$objtype.

          fdevelop  Converts scripts to internal format.
          anim      Displays one file in internal format.

          J. L. Bentley and B. W. Kernighan, `A System for Algorithm
          Animation', Unix Programmer's Manual, Tenth Edition, Volume

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