FIZZ(10.1)                                             FIZZ(10.1)

          artwork, check, clip, cvt, draw, drills, getparts,
          kollmorgen, list, mw, pkgplot, place, prance, ring, signal,
          saf, wrap - physical layout programs

          cda/artwork [ option ] file ...

          cda/check [ -uw ] [ -cchip ] file ...

          cda/clip [ -fclipfile ] [ file ... ]

          cda/cvt [ file ... ]

          cda/draw [ option ] [ file ... ]

          cda/drills -ddiams file ...

          cda/getparts file ...

          cda/kollmorgen [ -hnbx ] file ...

          cda/list file ...

          cda/mw [ file ... ]

          cda/pkgplot [ -bp ] file

          cda/place [ file ... ]

          cda/prance [ file ... ]

          cda/ring [ -lqsuvadk ] [ -zargument ] [ -wargument ] [
          -cargument ] file ...

          cda/saf [ -sdru ] file ...

          cda/signal [ option ] [ file ... ]

          cda/wrap [ option ] [ file ... ]

          The fizz suite of programs handle all the physical aspects
          of creating a wire-wrap, buried micro-via or microwire
          board.  All the programs take fizz_format(10.6) input;
          cdl(10.6) can be converted with cvt.

          All of the programs can take multiple files; most of the
          programs require that the files form a board description.
          Normally, this is arranged amongst four files (with

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     FIZZ(10.1)                                             FIZZ(10.1)

          recommended suffix): the board and special signal layout
          (.brd), the chip, chip type and net descriptions (from
          cdmglob(10.1)) (.wx), the package descriptions (.pkg), and
          the chip positions (.pos).  In general, if the file argu-
          ments are missing, standard input is used.

          Artwork prints various artwork information for the board
          definition in files . The options are

          -a   prints XY mask clump includes for all placed chips with
               artwork fields in their package definitions.
          -r   prints bounding rectangle information for the microwire
          -s   generate silk screen information for chip layout.

          Check checks the syntax and consistency of the given files.
          The -u option causes the names of any unplaced chips to be
          printed.  Option -w checks readiness for wrapping.  Specifi-
          cally, it checks that no net is too large; no chip pin coin-
          cides with an inappropriate special signal pin, and no chip
          pin appears on more than one signal.  Option -cchip prints
          out detailed information about the named chip.

          Clip takes a board description (in files) and a clip
          description file (clipfile) and checks that all of and only
          the clips specified are present.  Clips are simply pins on a
          wirewrap board.  Almost always they are directly connected
          to a signal plane.  Clips do not exist in the rest of the
          fizz suite; they are simply special signal pins.  Standard
          input is used if there are no file arguments.  The output
          reports missing clips in a format suitable as part of a
          board description.  The clipfile consists of directives (one
          per line) of the forms
                      [ssig|pin] numbers [chip|type] identifiers
                      tt [chip|type] identifiers
          Clips are put on either specific chips with the given names
          (chip) or chips of specified chip types (type).  The clips
          are put on either the specified pins (pin) or pins belonging
          to the specified special signals (ssig).  The identifier ALL
          refers to all chips or types.  Lines starting with a % are
          ignored.  The tt directive means pins whose entry in the tt
          field of the type (or the chip's type) is one of GVWXYZ.
          For example,
          ssig 0,1 type 74F374 74F245
               Clips on power and ground for all chips of type 74F374
               and 74F245.
          pin 3-6,9 chip widget
               Clips on pins 3,4,5,6,9 on chip widget.
          Numbers are specified as a comma-separated list, possibly
          including lo-hi ranges.  A missing clipfile argument is
          taken as

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     FIZZ(10.1)                                             FIZZ(10.1)

                      tt type ALL

          Cvt converts CDL format input and outputs it in
          fizz_format(10.6) format.  If no files are specified, stan-
          dard input is read.  Typically, cvt is used to process the
          output of cdmglob(10.1). The options are:
          -f   Don't do families
          -c   Don't emit comments
          -n   Don't emit names

          Draw generates a plot(6) description of the board layout of
          files. Standard input is used if there are no file argu-
          ments.  The options are
          -p   Show pins (as circles).
          -t   Show chip types rather than chip names.
          -k   Show package names rather than chip names.
          -v   Show special signal pins as (n+3)-gons where n is the
               signal number.
          -P   Draw package descriptions in pic(1) format.  Each draw-
               ing shows the package name, the bounding rectangle, a
               cross at the origin, and numbered pin locations.
          -f   Draws the pin frame.
          -r   Removes the ruler.

          Drills takes a board description and a set of drill diame-
          ters (diams) and produces a wraplist (like that produced by
          wrap) with an entry for every pin whose diameter is in that

          Getparts reads its input files and generates a part list on
          standard output.

          Kollmorgen generates the input files needed for Kollmorgen's
          router.  Output is to the standard output.  The options are
          -n   Produce nets
          -b   Produce border (keepouts are also generated).  Wiring
               area shouldn't be too unusual.
          -h   Produce holes.  Holes may be wired or not depending on
               the declaration.
          -x   Produce correspondence between net names and net num-

          List makes a fairly complete parts list giving type, pack-
          age, and comment followed by each instance of it with posi-
          tion, rotation, and board side.  The options are:
          -b   list burnable parts, like PALs.
          -t   Special Terry Wallis switch
          -s   Short output

          Mw generates the input for the microwire router for the
          board described by files on standard output.  Standard input
          is used if no file arguments are given.

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          Pkgplot generates a plot of the package(s) in the input. the
          options are:
          -p   Generate Postscript
          -b   Generate bottom up instead of chip down view

          Place supports interactive chip placement on a board.  It
          requires a Plan 9 terminal running 8½.  The user interface
          is mouse-driven.  The main menu items are
          select         a submenu allowing selecting chips or signals
                         by name.  Signals are displayed in the way
                         they would be wired by wrap (no -3 support).
          view           a submenu supporting zooming, panning, grid
                         overlay and resolution.
          insert         insert unplaced chips.
          place          a submenu supporting manual placement,
                         machine placement and machine improvement of
          read files     reset the world and read the given (blank
                         separated) filenames.
          write file     write out the chip positions.  The filename
                         conventionally should have a .pos suffix.
          exit           finito.
          Chips can be selected by button 1 or by the button 3 sub-
          menu.  Selected chips can be edited by the button 2 menu.

          Prance generates the input files needed for Cadence's prance
          router on standard output.

          Ring reads a board description and analyses the Wire 's
          therein; these contain the actual route of nets including
          all the inflection points.  Ring walks each net, and start-
          ing from each driver calculates the length of the net (to
          the farthest pin).  Next, it calculates the gate capacitance
          and distributed line capacitance.  The rise time of the
          driver is used to calculate the maximum length of the line.
          Any offending long lines are reported to the user with the
          computed impedance of the line.

          Saf outputs the packaging data suitable for giving to the
          automatic placement machine at Lisle.

          Signal gives information about signals in the board descrip-
          tion in files. Standard input is used if no file arguments
          are given.  By default, all signals are shown as sequences
          of, one signal per line.  Note that the lines for
          the ground and power signals are likely be very long.  The
          options are
          -w   Wrap (route) signals before printing.
               Show the signal name as both chip . pin and board coor-
               dinates (one point per line).  Unplaced chips have neg-
               ative coordinates.

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     FIZZ(10.1)                                             FIZZ(10.1)

          Wrap generates a wraplist fo rthe board description in
          files. The options are
          -3   don't do TSP
          -n   connect to noconnects
          -o   one post wraps are OK
          -v   verbosity
          -c   cents instead of mils
          -x   don't do wire wraps
          -r   set root string
          -b   turn on buried vias
          -j   produce a .br file suitable for the buried microvia
          -t   make file for cb router
          -h   produce a .hn file suitable for the buried microvia

          cdl(10.6), mw(10.1), fizz_format(10.6), saf(10.6)

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