IPF(10.1) IPF(10.1) NAME ipf, pga132a - Actel to CDA translation SYNOPSIS cda/ipf filename ... cda/pga132a DESCRIPTION Ipf reads at least an adil_file, as produced by cda/act -a, and a pin_file, returned by the Actel placing and routing software and produces two files: package and type defini- tions in CDL format in name.pins, and a new input file for the Actel software in name.ipf, where name is the prefix of the first file argument. If name.ipf were given to the Actel software, it would return a pin_file with the same contents as the argument to ipf. Pga132a provides pin name to pin number translations for the Actel PGA132 package. EXAMPLES If you are working on a PGA132 device, then a typical use would be cda/pg132a | cda/ipf /fd/0 xmit.adi xmit.pin SEE ALSO act(10.1), lde(10.1) BUGS Ipf misses pins whose definitions change between the .io and .o sections. This should all be one program. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/7/25)