SWRAP(10.1)                                           SWRAP(10.1)

          swrap - generate control information for semi-automatic
          wiring machine

          swrap [ options ] [ file ] ...

          Swrap controls a semi-automatic wiring machine as directed
          by a .wr file generated by wrap(10.1).

          Options are:

          -fname Use the file name instead of /dev/eia0 to control the

          -dmn   The two-character string mn sets the preferred direc-
                 tion for wire routing.  M gives the first preference
                 and n the second, according to the following code:

                 0    route from left to right (increasing X).

                 1    route from bottom to top (increasing Y).

                 2    route from right to left (decreasing X).

                 3    route from top to bottom (decreasing Y).

          -l     Produce a listing as a reference for the machine
                 operator; it describes the wires in the sequence in
                 which they are to be installed.

          -rd    The digit d specifies how the board must be rotated
                 from the position implied by the Circuit Design Lan-
                 guage definition of the board.  The rotation is the
                 number of right-angles by which it is to be rotated
                 anti-clockwise, plus four if the board is first to be
                 flipped over (X and Y coordinates interchanged).  The
                 initial rotation is given in the board definition.

          -v     Set verbose mode.

          Unless a listing is requested, the on-line Standard Logic
          wire-wrap machine must be connected to the designated RS-232
          port.  The operator will first be required to calibrate the
          machine by moving the pointer to specified pin positions.
          Then the machine will point at successive pins which must be
          wired.  The typed commands to which the program responds are
          as follows.

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     SWRAP(10.1)                                           SWRAP(10.1)

          udlr Move the pointer a small distance up, down, left or
               right.  If preceded by a number scale the distance
               moved accordingly.

          sn   Skip to wire number n.

          c    Check the calibration by moving the pointer to the ref-
               erence pin.

          C    Check positions of all four corner pins of the board.

          v    Change to and from verbose mode.

          q    Quit after moving the pointer back to the reference

          ?    Print details about the wire currently being installed.

          /dev/eia0  RS-232 port

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