HOME(8) HOME(8) NAME home, 40meg, 80meg, 100meg, newkernel, personalize, update, Disclabel - administration for local file systems SYNOPSIS gnot/home gnot/personalize gnot/update magnum/home magnum/personalize magnum/update safari/40meg safari/80meg safari/personalize safari/update nextstation/100meg nextstation/personalize nextstation/update disk/newkernel cp Disclabel /dev/hd1label DESCRIPTION These programs help maintain a file system on a local disk for a private machine. Home partitions a disk, copies the appropriate kernel to the disk, and makes a new file system on the disk. 40meg, 80meg, and 100meg configure disks and make file systems for disks of the appropriate size. Update copies the current kernel to the disk and updates files on the local file system. It only updates those files put there by the home program. Personalize removes the contents of the /usr directory on the local disk and copies a minimal set of files for the user who runs the command. Newkernel updates the kernel in the boot partition. If the running kernel was linked more than 10 minutes before the kernel on the file system was installed, newkernel verifies with the user that the kernel should be installed, and copies the kernel. Disclabel is the bootstrap program copied into the partition Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/11/25) HOME(8) HOME(8) /dev/hd1label on Nextstations. FILES /lib/proto/portproto Mkfs prototype files for magnum/home, magnum/update, gnot/home, and gnot/update. /lib/proto/386proto prototype files for Mkfs safari/40meg, safari/80meg, and safari/update. SEE ALSO kfs(4), mkfs(8), prep(8), hard(3) Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 3/11/25)