GAMES(1)                                                 GAMES(1)

          4s, 5s, ana, mandel, plumb, smiley, life, fsim, clock,
          catclock, fireworks, swar, festoon - time wasters

          games/ana [ fixwords ]
          games/plumb [ level ]
          games/life startfile
          games/catclock [ -c ]
          games/festoon [ -p ] [ -e ] [ -t ] [ -sseed ] [ len ] [ pfn

          There are a few games in /bin/games:

          4s, 5s     Try to fill complete rows using 4-square or 5-
                     square tiles.  Move tiles left or right by moving
                     the mouse.  Rotate tiles with buttons 1 and 3.
                     Drop tiles for more points with button 2 or the
                     space bar.

          ana        Find anagrams for words typed on standard input.
                     Anagrams can contain several dictionary words.
                     The fixwords argument or numbers typed on stan-
                     dard input fix the number of words in the output

          mandel     Compute and display Mandelbrot sets.  Menus on
                     the mouse buttons control various things.

          plumb      Build a plumbing system. Keep ahead of the
                     advancing oil and don't waste pipe. The level
                     argument lets you start at a harder level.

          smiley     A game of historical importance.  Type space to
                     shoot, comma to move left, and period to go

          life       Play the game of life, given an initial position.
                     There is a library of interesting initial posi-
                     tions; the library is consulted if startfile can-
                     not be found.

     Page 1                       Plan 9            (printed 12/21/24)

     GAMES(1)                                                 GAMES(1)

          fsim       Pretend you're flying a Cessna.

          clock, catclock
                     Display analog clocks.  Option -c makes catclock

          fireworks  Hoist the fiery blue peter.

          swar       Space war for two players called MCI and SPRINT.
                     One player types a or d to turn left or right, s
                     to shoot, x to enter hyperspace, and w to accel-
                     erate.  The other player uses `k', ;, l, .  and
                     o.  AT&T scores whenever either ship shoots
                     itself or otherwise causes mayhem.  Hyperspace is
                     occasionally fatal.

          festoon    Traditional radical monoarchate qualitativeness.
                     Now produces pictures (-p), tables (-t), and
                     equations (-e).  The seed can be set to recreate
                     a specific document.  Len is sentence length, and
                     pfn is percent faked nouns (default 0).

          /sys/games/lib/4scores       scores of 4s games
          /sys/games/lib/5scores       scores of 5s games
          /sys/games/lib/plumb/scores  scores of plumb games
          /sys/games/lib/anawords      used by ana
          /sys/games/lib/plumb/*       miscellaneous files used by
          /sys/games/lib/life/*        interesting starting positions


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