PPP(1)                                                     PPP(1)

          pppclient, pppserver - point to point protocol

          pppclient [ -d ][ -b baudrate ][ -i myipaddr ][ -p
          peeripaddr ][ dialdevice ]

          pppserver [ -d ] ndev myipaddr firstipaddr firstdev [ baud0
          baud1 ... ]

          The Point to Point Protocol is used to encapsulate Internet
          Protocol packets for transfer over serial lines or other
          protocol connections.

          Pppclient makes a connection to a PPP server and passes IP
          packets over the connection.  If dialdevice is omitted,
          standard input and output are used as the connection.  If
          dialdevice begins with a slash, pppclient assumes it is a
          file name, open(2)'s it, and uses the result as the connec-
          tion.  Otherwise, dialdevice is passed as the destination
          address to dial(2) to set up the connection.

          If the connection is successful, pppclient creates a pipe,
          pushes the IP line discipline onto it, and sets the local
          and remote addresses of the IP interface to myipaddr and
          peeripaddr. It then loops transferring packets between the
          pipe and the connection.  If either myipaddr or peeripaddr
          is omitted, pppclient requests them from the server.

          The options are

               d    print debugging information.

               b    baud rate of the serial line.

               p    peer ip address (in case the peer asks for its ip
                    address over IPCP).

               i    the local ip address to be established for this

          Pppserver treats serial lines as PPP connections, switching
          packets between them and the local machine.  It creates a
          pipe for a local IP interface (address myipaddr), opens a
          set of serial lines, and switches packets between the local
          interface and the serial lines.  Ndev specifies the number
          of serial devices to serve.  The devices are named
          /dev/eia{firstdev} through /dev/eia{firstdev+ndev-1}.  Their
          remote IP addresses are firstipaddr through

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     PPP(1)                                                     PPP(1)

          firstipaddr+ndev-1. The default baud rate is 9600.  If any
          arguments follow firstdev (baud0, baud1, ...), they are used
          as baud rates for the serial lines.  The only option, -d,
          turns on debugging output.

          Both pppclient and pppserver accept all options defined in
          RFCs 1331 and 1332.

          Start up a server for serial lines /dev/eia[2-6] with remote
          IP addresses through and baud
          rates of 19200, 2400, 9600, 9600.  The local IP address is

               pppserver 4 2 19200 2400


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