PLBUTTON(2) PLBUTTON(2) NAME plbutton, plcanvas, plcheckbutton, pledit, plentry, plframe, plgroup, plidollist, pllabel, pllist, plmenu, plmenubar, plmessage, plpopup, plpulldown, plradiobutton, plscrollbar, plslider, pltextview - panel-creation functions SYNOPSIS #include <u.h> #include <libg.h> #include <panel.h> Panel *plbutton(Panel *parent, int flags, Icon *label, void (*hit)(Panel *pl, int)) Panel *plcanvas(Panel *parent, int flags, void (*draw)(Panel*), void (*hit)(Panel*, Mouse*)) Panel *plcheckbutton(Panel *parent, int flags, Icon *label, void (hit*)(Panel*, int, int)) Panel *pledit(Panel *parent, int flags, Point size, Rune *text, int ntext, void (*hit)(Panel*)) Panel *plentry(Panel *parent, int flags, int width, char *text, void (*enter)(Panel*, char*)) Panel *plframe(Panel *parent, int flags) Panel *plgroup(Panel *parent, int flags) Panel *pllabel(Panel *parent, int flags, Icon *label) Panel *pllist(Panel *parent, int flags, char *(*gen)(int), int length, void(*hit)(Panel*, int, int)) Panel *plmenu(Panel *parent, int flags, Icon **items, int itemflags, void (*hit)(int, int)) Panel *plmenubar(Panel *parent, int flags, int itemflags, Icon *label1, Panel *p1, Icon *label2, ...) Panel *plmessage(Panel *parent, int flags, int width, char *text) Panel *plpopup(Panel *parent, int flags, Panel *left, Panel *middle, Panel *right) Panel *plpulldown(Panel *parent, int flags, Icon *label, Panel *pull, int side) Panel *plradiobutton(Panel *parent, int flags, Icon *label, Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/12/25) PLBUTTON(2) PLBUTTON(2) void (*hit)(Panel*, int, int)) Panel *plscrollbar(Panel *parent, int flags) Panel *plslider(Panel *parent, int flags, Point size, void(*hit)(Panel*, int, int, int)) Panel *pltextview(Panel *parent, int flags, Point size, Rtext *text, void (*hit)(Panel*, int, Rtext*)) DESCRIPTION Each of these functions creates and initializes a new node of a Panel tree and returns a pointer to the newly created panel. Existing panels may be reinitialized (for example to change the label on a button) by functions enumerated in plinitbutton(2). The first two arguments of each panel-creation function are a pointer to the new panel's parent and the flags that con- trol plpack (see plinit(2)). Arguments of type Icon* (a syn- onym for void*) are either Bitmap or text labels. If the BITMAP bit of the flag word is set, they are of type Bitmap*. Otherwise, their type is char*. plbutton plcheckbutton plradiobutton These three functions create pushbuttons. Plbutton creates an ordinary button. Plcheckbutton creates a button with a check mark that toggles on and off when the button is hit. Plradiobutton likewise creates a button with a check mark, but with the additional fea- ture that toggling the check mark on toggles off the checks of its siblings in the Panel tree. All three take similar arguments: label is the text or bitmap drawn on the button, and hit is the function called when a hit is registered on the button. Its arguments are a pointer to the button and the mouse buttons active when the hit occurred. The hit functions of plcheckbutton and plradiobutton take a third argument that indicates the state of the button's check mark. Occasionally, a button or other panel may wish to take no action on sensing a hit. This is indicated by pass- ing a null hit function pointer to the creation func- tion. plframe plgroup These two functions create compound panels that enclose their children in a rectangular area. The difference is that plframe draws a frame around its children, but Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 3/12/25) PLBUTTON(2) PLBUTTON(2) plgroup does not. pllabel plmessage These two functions create passive (insensitive to mouse or keyboard events) panels. The pllabel entry draws a label containing a text string or a Bitmap. Plmessage draws longer messages. Its arguments are the desired width of the panel, in pixels, and a pointer to the text to be drawn. The text is displayed on multi- ple lines, wrapping around at word boundaries. plcanvas creates an empty rectangle in a panel tree. The draw argument is a function to be called by the panel library to redraw the panel. Draw's argument points to the canvas to be drawn on. The hit argument is a func- tion called whenever a mouse event is registered in the panel. Its arguments are a pointer to the panel and a pointer to the mouse event. Hit receives all mouse events with points within the canvas's rectangle and with a button down. In addition, an event is sent when the buttons are released over the canvas, or when the mouse moves out of the canvas's rectangle. In the lat- ter case, the mouse event's buttons field has the OUT bit set. pledit creates a panel that displays editable single-font text. Arguments are the minimum acceptable size for the panel, a pointer to an array of Runes that initial- izes the panel, the number of runes in the array, and a function to be called every time a selection is swept out with the mouse. The functions pleget, plelen, plegetsel, plepaste, plesel, plescroll, and pleshowsel, described in plinit(2), manipulate the contents of edit panels. plentry creates a single-line text entry panel. Arguments are the minimum acceptable width of the panel, in pixels, a string that is the initial contents of the panel, and a hit function to be called whenever a newline is typed in the panel. The hit function's arguments are a pointer to the panel and a pointer to the string entered. Clicking the mouse over an entry makes it the keyboard focus (the recipient of typed characters), as does calling plgrabkb (described in plinit(2)). pllist creates a panel containing a scrollable list of text items. Its arguments are gen, a pointer to a function Page 3 Plan 9 (printed 3/12/25) PLBUTTON(2) PLBUTTON(2) that, when passed an integer argument, returns the text of the appropriate list item, length, the minimum acceptable number of items to be displayed on the screen, and hit, a function to be called when an item is selected with the mouse. Hit's arguments are a pointer to the panel, which mouse buttons were used to make the selection, and the number of the item selected. plmenu calls plgroup and plbutton to create an array of but- tons. The items argument points to an array of strings or Bitmap pointers, one per button. A null pointer ends the list. Itemflags is the flag argument used to create each button. The hit function's arguments are the mouse buttons pressed to register the hit and the button's index in items. plpopup creates a group, as in plgroup, except that where plgroup always passes mouse events on to its children, plpopup may instead temporarily pop up a new panel and divert mouse events to it. The arguments left, middle, and right are pointers to panels to be popped up when the corresponding mouse button is pushed. A null pointer causes events to pass through to plpopup's children. plpulldown plmenubar Plpulldown creates a button that, when triggered by a mouse button push, temporarily pops up a new panel. The label argument points to a Bitmap or text label, pull points to the panel that appears when the button is pushed, and side is a flag whose value is one of PACKN, PACKE, PACKS, or PACKW, indicating the side of the button on which the pulled-down menu should appear. The plmenubar entry calls plgroup and plpulldown to create an array of pull-down buttons. Its itemflags argument gives the flags to be used when creating each pull-down button. Then follow an indefinite number of pairs giving the labels and pulled-down panels of the buttons. The list ends with a null label pointer. plslider creates a continuously variable slider. The size argu- ment gives the smallest acceptable size. If size.x>size.y the slider is drawn horizontally, other- wise vertically. The hit function is called whenever a mouse event changes the slider's value. Its arguments are a pointer to the slider, the mouse buttons, the slider's value, and the possible range of values. The Page 4 Plan 9 (printed 3/12/25) PLBUTTON(2) PLBUTTON(2) value is always between 0 and the range. plscrollbar creates a scroll bar. If the flags argument has PACKE or PACKW set, the scroll bar slides vertically, other- wise horizontally. Scroll bars are associated with the panels that they scroll by a call to plscroll, described in plinit(2). pltextview creates a panel containing hit-sensitive formatted multi-font text with bitmap illustrations. Its argu- ments are the minimum acceptable size of the panel, in pixels, a pointer to a data structure describing the text to be displayed, and a function to be called upon registering a mouse hit. The arguments of the hit function are a pointer to the panel, the mouse buttons that caused the hit, and a pointer to the text element that the mouse pointed at. The functions plrtstring and plrtbitmap, which create the Rtext data structure that describes the text, are described in plinit(2). SOURCE /sys/src/libpanel SEE ALSO plinit(2), plinitbutton(2), graphics(2) Tom Duff, ``A quick introduction to the panel library''. Page 5 Plan 9 (printed 3/12/25)