APLOT(9.1)                                             APLOT(9.1)

          aplot - isometric plots of data arrays

          fb/aplot [ -a ] [ -llightfile ] [ -ttype ] [ -rrange ] [ -w
          x0 y0 x1 y1 ] file

          Aplot draws an anti-aliased isometric perspective plot of
          the square array of elevations that it reads from file. The
          output is a picture file, written on standard output.

          Option -t specifies the type of the data in the binary file.
          Possible types are

               s    short
               i    int
               l    long
               f    float
               d    double
               c    char
               u    unsigned char

          The default is -t f.

          Option -w sets the WINDOW= attribute of the output image.
          By default, the image is drawn in a 640x512 window.

          Normally, the data is scaled to make the plot fill the win-
          dow.  This default scaling can be overridden by option -r,
          in which case the data is scaled so that range is the magni-
          tude of data values that would make a plot that just fills
          the window vertically.

          Option -l gives the name of a file describing how to shade
          the surface and how shiny the surface is.  By default, a
          not-at-all shiny surface is lit from above by a single light
          source.  The lightfile contains lines of the following

          light x y z brightness
               specifies light source of the given brightness shining
               in direction (x,y,z).  There can be up to 16 light
               sources.  The default light is in direction (2,3,9) and
               has brightness 1.

          ambient brightness
               specifies the brightness of then ambient (non-
               directional) light.  The default is 0.02.

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     APLOT(9.1)                                             APLOT(9.1)

          diff reflectance
               sets the amount of diffuse reflection from the surface.
               The default is 0.98.

          spec reflectance
               sets the amount of specular reflection from the sur-
               face.  The default is 0.

          bump height
               sets the width of the specular reflection bump.  Larger
               numbers produce tighter (less diffuse) bumps.  The
               default is 80.

          Option -a suppresses writing an alpha channel into the out-
          put file.  By default, the output has CHAN=ma.


          picfile(9.6), filters(9.1)

          Input files are assumed to use native byte order and float-
          ing point format, and so are not transportable, except under
          option -t u.

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