CVT2PIC(9.1)                                         CVT2PIC(9.1)

          cvt2pic, dumppic, ega2pic, face2pic, gif2pic, jpg2pic,
          nasa2pic, pcx2pic, picopic, sgi2pic, targa2pic, tiff2pic,
          utah2pic, xbm2pic - convert other formats to picture files

          fb/cvt2pic [ file ]

          fb/dumppic input xsize ysize channels

          fb/ega2pic [ file ]

          fb/face2pic [ facefile ]

          fb/gif2pic [ -m ] [ -s image ] [ file ]

          fb/jpg2pic file

          fb/nasa2pic file

          fb/pcx2pic [ -r ] [ file ]

          fb/picopic red green blue xsize ysize

          fb/sgi2pic file

          fb/targa2pic [ file ]

          fb/tiff2pic file

          fb/utah2pic file

          fb/xbm2pic [ file ]

          Cvt2pic examines the given file (default standard input),
          and tries to convert it to a picfile(9.6). It can recognize
          TIFF, xbm, CompuServe GIF, Usenix facesaver, NASA, Utah rle,
          SGI, JPEG, pcx, and picfile(9.6) images.  The actual conver-
          sion is done by calling out to one of the programs described
          below.  Although we have programs to decipher EGA, Targa,
          and raw dump images, cvt2pic cannot recognize them.

          Dumppic copies input to its standard output, adding a
          TYPE=dump picture file header.  Xsize and ysize are the
          width and height of the picture.  Channels is the value of
          the output's CHAN= attribute.  Face2pic reads facefile
          (default standard input), a file in the Usenix face-saver
          format, and converts it to picfile(9.6) format, writing the
          result on standard output.

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     CVT2PIC(9.1)                                         CVT2PIC(9.1)

          Picopic creates a TYPE=pico image from the files red, green
          and blue which must be raw (headerless) dumps in scan line
          order of size xsize×ysize.

          Ega2pic reads an EGA `enhanced color mode' image from input
          and converts it to picfile(9.6) format, written on standard

          Gif2pic reads a CompuServe GIF format picture from input
          (default standard input) and converts it to picfile(9.6)
          format, written on standard output.  By default, it converts
          its input into a 3-channel rgb image.  The -m flag causes it
          to output a single channel image with a color map.  GIF
          files may contain multiple images; the -s flag allows selec-
          tion of an image other than the first.

          Jpg2pic reads a JPEG-coded file in the JFIF format from
          input (or standard input) and converts it to picfile(9.6)
          format, written on standard output.  It generates TYPE=dump.

          Nasa2pic reads a NASA satellite image and converts it to
          picfile(9.6) format, written on standard output.  It can
          decipher only images with a single 8-bit channel.  NASA
          images typically have copious annotations in their headers;
          these are mostly lost.

          Sgi2pic converts SGI-format images to picfiles.

          Targa2pic reads a Targa format file and converts it to
          picfile(9.6) format, written on standard output.  It cannot
          convert compressed or color-mapped files.

          Tiff2pic converts TIFF images to picfiles.  It cannot handle
          images with more than 8 bits per color component, nor images
          of more than 8 channels.  It uses a version of Sam Leffler's
          TIFF library that purports to toe to TIFF 6.0.

          Utah2pic reads a Utah rle (run-length encoded) image and
          converts it to picfile(9.6) format, written on standard out-

          Pcx2pic reads a Paintbrush PCX format picture from input (or
          standard input) and converts it to picfile(9.6) format,
          written on standard output.  TYPE=dump is generated by
          default; the -r flag selects TYPE=runcode.

          Xbm2pic reads an X window-system bitmap file from file (or
          standard input) and converts it to picfile(9.6) format,
          written on standard output.


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     CVT2PIC(9.1)                                         CVT2PIC(9.1)

          Pic2gif contains code that is Copyright © 1988, 1989 by
          Patrick J. Naughton.


          The world is awash with raster image file formats, many of
          which spawn new versions from time to time, possibly making
          these programs obsolete.  On the other hand, we guarantee
          unconditionally that picfile(9.6) will never change.

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