CONS(3)                                                   CONS(3)

          cons - console, clocks, process/process group ids, user,
          null, etc.

          bind #c /dev


          The console device serves a one-level directory giving
          access to the console and miscellaneous information.

          Reading the cons file returns characters typed on the key-
          board.  Normally, characters are buffered to enable erase
          and kill processing.  A control-U, `^U', typed at the key-
          board kills the current input line (removes all characters
          from the buffer of characters not yet read via cons), and a
          backspace erases the previous non-kill, non-erase character
          from the input buffer.  Killing and erasing only delete
          characters back to, but not including, the last newline.
          Characters typed at the keyboard actually produce 16-bit
          runes (see utf(6)), but the runes are translated into the
          variable-length UTF encoding (see utf(6)) before putting
          them into the buffer.  A read(2) of length greater than zero
          causes the process to wait until a newline or a `^D' ends
          the buffer, and then returns as much of the buffer as the
          argument to read allows, but only up to one complete line.

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          A terminating `^D' is not put into the buffer.  If part of
          the line remains, the next read will return bytes from that
          remainder and not part of any new line that has been typed

          If the string rawon has been written to the consctl file and
          the file is still open, cons is in raw mode: characters are
          not echoed as they are typed, backspace and `^D' are not
          treated specially, and characters are available to read as
          soon as they are typed.  Ordinary mode is reentered when
          rawoff is written to consctl or this file is closed.

          A write (see read(2)) to cons causes the characters to be
          printed on the console screen.

          The null file throws away anything written to it and always
          returns zero bytes when read.

          The zero file is a read-only file that produces an infinite
          stream of zero-valued bytes when read.

          The drivers file contains, one per line, a listing of the
          drivers configured in the kernel, in the format

               #c cons

          The hostdomain file contains the name of the authentication
          domain that this host belongs to; see auth(6). Only the user
          named in /dev/hostowner may write this.

          The hostowner file contains the name of the user that owns
          the console device files.  The hostowner also has group per-
          missions for any local devices.

          The key file is used to set the DES key used for encryption.
          Each machine has one key.  Only the user named in
          /dev/hostowner may write this.

          The authenticate file is used to authenticate new users to
          the kernel; see auth(6). After an open, the first read
          returns a ticket request message of the following form:
               char num;
               char authid[28];
               char authdom[48];
               char chal[8];
               char hostid[28];
               char uid[28];
          Here num is 1, authid and hostid are the contents of
          hostowner, and authdom is the contents of hostdomain.  Chal
          is an 8 byte random challenge created by the kernel.  A sub-
          sequent write of a valid ticket encrypted with the key con-
          tained in key changes the user name of the writing process

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          to the value of suid in the ticket.  The ticket is of the
               char num;
               char chal[8];
               char cuid[28];
               char suid[28];
               char noncekey[7];
          The ticket is valid if num is 64 and chal matches the chal-
          lenge in the ticket request.  Writing an invalid ticket gen-
          erates an error.  A read following a successful write yields
          an authenticator message of the form:
               char num;
               char chal[8];
               char id[4];
          The authenticator is encrypted in noncekey from the ticket.
          Num is 66, id[0-4] are 0, and chal matches the challenge in
          the original ticket request.

          The authenticator file is used to generate an authenticator
          from a ticket.  One writes a ticket encrypted with the key
          contained in key, followed, optionally, by a 4-byte id; a
          missing id defaults to zero.  If the client uid matches the
          current user, a subsequent read yields an authenticator for
          that ticket with the given id.

          The authcheck file is used to match authenticators to tick-
          ets.  A write of an authenticator appended to the end of a
          ticket succeeds if the ticket is encrypted with the key con-
          tained in key, the ticket's num is 65, the authenticator is
          encrypted with the ticket's noncekey, the authenticator's
          and ticket's chal's match, the authenticator's num is 66,
          and the authenticator's id is 0.  Alternatively, the write
          may consist of ticket, authenticator, chal, and id, in which
          case the given chal and id must match those of the authenti-

          The user file contains the name of the user associated with
          the current process.  Any process can change to user none by
          writing none to this file.

          Reads from random return a stream of random numbers.  The
          numbers are generated by a low priority kernel process that
          loops incrementing a variable.  Each clock tick the variable
          is sampled and, if it has changed sufficiently, the last few
          bits are appended to a buffer.  This process is inefficient
          at best producing at most a few hundred bits a second.
          Therefore, random should be treated as a seed to pseudo-
          random number generators which can produce a faster rate

          Writing the string reboot to reboot causes the system to
          shutdown and, if possible, restart. Only the host owner has

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          the ability to open this file.

          Bintime is a binary interface that provides the same infor-
          mation as time (q.v.), in binary form, and also controls
          clock frequency and clock trim.  All integers read or writ-
          ten from bintime are in big endian order.  Unlike the other
          files, reads and writes do not affect the offset.  There-
          fore, there is no need for a seek back to zero between sub-
          sequent accesses.  A read of bintime returns 24 bytes, three
          8 byte numbers, representing nanoseconds since start of
          epoch, clock ticks, and clock frequency.

          A write to bintime is a message with one of 3 formats:

          n<8-byte time>
                      set the nanoseconds since epoch to the given

          d<8-byte delta><4-byte period>
                      trim the nanoseconds since epoch by delta over
                      the next period seconds.

          f<8-byte freq>
                      Set the frequency for interpreting clock ticks
                      to be freq ticks per second.

          The rest of the files contain (mostly) read-only strings.
          Each string has a fixed length: a read(2) of more than that
          gives a result of that fixed length (the result does not
          include a terminating zero byte); a read of less than that
          length leaves the file offset so the rest of the string (but
          no more) will be read the next time.  To reread the file
          without closing it, seek must be used to reset the offset.
          When the file contains numeric data each number is formatted
          in decimal.  If the binary number fits in 32 bits, it is
          formatted as an 11 digit decimal number with leading blanks
          and one trailing blank; totaling 12 bytes.  Otherwise, it is
          formatted as 21 digit decimal numbers with leading blanks
          and one trailing blank; totaling 22 bytes.

          The cputime file holds six 32-bit numbers, containing the
          time in milliseconds that the current process has spent in
          user mode, system calls, real elapsed time, and then the
          time spent, by exited children and their descendants, in
          user mode, system calls, and real elapsed time.

          The time file holds one 32-bit number representing the sec-
          onds since start of epoch and three 64-bit numbers, repre-
          senting nanoseconds since start of epoch, clock ticks, and
          clock frequency.

          A write of a decimal number to time will set the seconds

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          since epoch.

          The sysname file holds the textual name of the machine, e.g.
          kremvax, if known.

          The sysstat file holds 8 numbers: processor number, context
          switches, interrupts, system calls, page faults, TLB faults,
          TLB purges, and load average.  The load average is in units
          of milli-CPUs and is decayed over time; the others are total
          counts from boot time.  If the machine is a multiprocessor,
          sysstat holds one line per processor.  Writing anything to
          sysstat resets all of the counts on all processors.

          The swap device holds a string of the form

               m1/m2 memory s1/s2 swap

          These give, for each of internal memory and the swapping
          area, the number of pages used and the total available.
          These numbers are not blank padded.  To turn on swapping,
          write to swap the textual file descriptor number of a file
          or device on which to swap.  See swap(8).

          The other files served by the cons device are all single

          pgrpid    process group number

          pid       process number

          ppid      parent's process number

          draw(3), keyboard(6), auth(6), utf(6), swap(8)


          For debugging, two control-T's followed by a letter generate
          console output and manage debugging: `^T^Td' toggles whether
          the console debugger will be run if the system fails.
          `^T^TD' starts the console debugger immediately.  `^T^Tk'
          kills the largest process; use with care.  `^T^Tp' prints
          data about processes.  `^T^Tq' prints the run queue for pro-
          cessor 0.  `^T^Ts' prints the kernel stack.  `^T^Tx' prints
          data about kernel memory allocation.

          The system can be rebooted by typing `^T^Tr'.

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