KFS(4)                                                     KFS(4)

          kfs - disk file system

          disk/kfs [ -rc ] [ -b n ] [ -f file ] [ -n name ] [ -p perm
          ] [ -s ] [ -B nbuf ]

          Kfs is a local user-level file server for a Plan 9 terminal
          with a disk.  It maintains a hierarchical Plan 9 file system
          on the disk and offers 9P (see intro(5)) access to it.  Kfs
          begins by checking the file system for consistency, rebuild-
          ing the free list, and placing a file descriptor in
          /srv/name, where name is the service name (default kfs).  If
          the file system is inconsistent, the user is asked for per-
          mission to ream (q.v.)  the disk.  The file system is not
          checked if it is reamed.

          The options are

          b n     If the file system is reamed, use n byte blocks.
                  Larger blocks make the file system faster and less
                  space efficient.  1024 and 4096 are good choices.  N
                  must be a multiple of 512.
          c       Do not check the file system.
          f file  Use file as the disk.  The default is /dev/sdC0/fs.
          n name  Use kfs.name as the name of the service.
          p perm  Use perm as the initial permissions for the command
                  channel /srv/service.cmd; the default is 660.
          r       Ream the file system, erasing all of the old data
                  and adding all blocks to the free list.
          s       Post file descriptor zero in /srv/service and read
                  and write protocol messages on file descriptor one.
          B       Allocate nbuf in-memory file system blocks.  The
                  default is as many as will fit in 10% of memory or
                  two megabytes, whichever is smaller.

          Create a file system with service name kfs.local and mount
          it on /n/kfs.

               % kfs -rb4096 -nlocal
               % mount -c /srv/kfs.local /n/kfs

          /dev/sdC0/fs  Default file holding blocks.


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     KFS(4)                                                     KFS(4)

          kfscmd(8), mkfs(8), prep(8), sd(3)

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