REPL(1)                                                   REPL(1)

          new, sync, scan - peer to peer replica management

          repl/new repl id dir [ excldir... ]
          repl/sync [ -N ] [ -12lrn ] repl1 repl2 [ dir... ]
          repl/scan repl

          These programs provide a simplified user interface to the
          peer-to-peer replica management system described in repl(8).
          Each peer is called a replica and holds a replicated file
          tree.  Any number of replicas can be defined and any pair
          can be synchronized at any time. There is no centralized
          server nor there is a synchronization order required to
          detect conflicts.

          Each replica is described by a simple rc(1) script that
          identifies the file tree and related repl(8) information.
          The programs try to find configuration files at
          $home/lib/repl and /lib/repl unless a path is supplied.

          New defines a new replica repl for the given directory,
          using the given identifier. The identifier must be a lower
          case letter and must be unique for each peer of a replicated
          tree. The file repl created by the script is used later as
          an argument for sync and scan. The optional excldir argu-
          ments are directories excluded from dir for replication pur-
          poses. See the examples below.

          Sync synchronizes changes between replicas.  Replicas are
          identified by the configuration files created by new. Before
          synchronizing, sync scans both file trees for changes unless
          flag -N is given.  Scan can be performed separately by using
          the scan script.  If any dir is supplied, relative to the
          top-dir of a replica, synchronization applies only to it.

          Sync flag -n performs a dry run to report changes between
          both replicas without synchronizing them (scan is still per-
          formed for both).  The flag -l can be used to synchronize
          just the left replica (in command line order) with respect
          to the other. Flag -r does the same for the right replica.

          Flags -1 and -2 can be used to resolve conflicts in favor of
          the first replica (the left one) and in favor of the second
          one (the right one).  When there are different conflicts to
          be gained by different replicas, one replica can be updated
          by hand, and then used as the prefered to settle down all
          the conflicts.

     Page 1                       Plan 9             (printed 3/14/25)

     REPL(1)                                                   REPL(1)

          This defines for the system file tree, excluding /usr and
          /dist, a replica called a.  Then we define another replica
          called b for a laptop.
               ; repl/new /dist/sys a /root /usr /dist
               replica /dist/sys defined.
               ; repl/new /dist/laptop b /fossil /usr /dist
               replica /dist/laptop defined.

          Synchronice the laptop resolving any conflict in favor of
          the system
               ; repl/sync -r1 /dist/sys /dist/laptop


          repl(8), replica(1).

          Append only files are not synchronized to prevent duplica-
          tion of file contents.

     Page 2                       Plan 9             (printed 3/14/25)