NEWUSER(8)                                             NEWUSER(8)

          newuser - adding a new user


          To establish a new user on Plan 9, add the user to
          /adm/users by running the uname command on the console of
          the file server (see users(6) and fossilcons(8)). Next, give
          the user a password using auth/changeuser on the console of
          the authentication server (see auth(8)). At this point, the
          user can bootstrap a terminal using the new name and pass-
          word.  The terminal will only get as far as running rc, how-
          ever, as no profile exists for the user.

          To install the user in Plan B, create a context directory at
          /who/$user with appropriate context files. Look at files for
          other users to see which ones are in effect at your local

          The rc(1) script /sys/lib/newuser sets up a sensible envi-
          ronment for a new user of Plan 9.  Once the terminal is run-
          ning rc, type


          to build the necessary directories in /usr/$user, create
          /mail/box/$user/mbox, /cron/$user/cron, a reasonable initial
          profile in /usr/$user/lib/profile and plumbing rules in
          /usr/$user/lib/plumbing (see plumber(4)). The script then
          runs the profile which, as its last step, brings up rio(1).
          At this point the user's environment is established and run-
          ning.  (There is no need to reboot.)  It may be prudent at
          this point to run passwd(1) to change the password, depend-
          ing on how the initial password was chosen.

          The profile built by /sys/lib/newuser looks like this:

               if (~ $planb yes && ~ $service terminal){
                    bfs /n/once
                    case primaryterminal
                         env/update &
                    exec /bin/rio -i rioinit
                    echo 'rio exited'
                    exec rc -i
               bind -a $home/bin/rc /bin

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     NEWUSER(8)                                             NEWUSER(8)

               bind -a $home/bin/$cputype /bin
               bind -c tmp /tmp
               font = /lib/font/bit/pelm/euro.9.font
               case terminal
                    echo -n accelerated > '#m/mousectl'
                    echo -n 'res 3' > '#m/mousectl'
                    prompt=('term% ' '  ')
                    fn term%{ $* }
                    exec rio
               case cpu
                    if (test -e /mnt/term/mnt/wsys) {
                         # rio already running
                         wsys = /mnt/term^`{cat /mnt/term/env/wsys}
                         bind -a /mnt/term/mnt/wsys /dev
                         echo -n $sysname > /dev/label
                    bind /mnt/term/dev/cons /dev/cons
                    bind /mnt/term/dev/consctl /dev/consctl
                    bind -a /mnt/term/dev /dev
                    prompt=('cpu% ' '   ')
                    fn cpu%{ $* }
                    if (! test -e /mnt/term/mnt/wsys) {
                         # cpu call from drawterm
                         exec rio
               case con
                    prompt=('cpu% ' '   ')

          Sites may make changes to /sys/lib/newuser that reflect the
          properties of the local environment.

          passwd(1), rio(1), namespace(4), fossil(4), users(6),
          auth(8), fossilcons(8).

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