Arrays(2)                                               Arrays(2)

          arrays: find, append, prepend, tail, pair, filter, map-
          array operations

          include "arrays.m"
          arrays := load Arrays Arrays->PATH;

          find:      fn[T](a: array of T, x: T): array of T
                         for {  T =>  Equals:  fn(a, b: T): int;  };
          append:    fn[T](a₀: array of T, x: T): array of T;
          prepend:   fn[T](a₀: array of T, x: T): array of T;
          tail:      fn[T](a: array of T): array of T;
          pair:      fn[T₁, T₂](a₁: array of T₁, a₂: array of T₂): array of (T₁, T₂);
          stringify: fn[T](a: array of T): string
                         for {  T =>  String:  fn(a: self T): string;  };

          filter:    fn[T](a: array of T, f: ref fn(x: T): int): array of T;
          map:       fn[T](a₀: array of T, f: ref fn(x: T): T): array of T;

          The module arrays provides operations on arrays of type T,
          which may be any reference type, or string.  Reference types
          are array, chan, array, module, and ref adt.  None of the
          operations change their parameter arrays: they always return
          a new array.

          First, there is a group of common array operations.

          Find finds the first instance of x in array a and returns
          the slice a[x:]. Find returns nil if there is no instance of
          x in a. The type T must implement a method Equals which
          returns a number greater than zero if the elements a and b
          are equal and zero if a and b are not equal.

          Append returns a new array with the elements of a₀ followed
          by the element x.

          Prepend returns a new array with the element x followed by
          the elements of a₀.

          Tail returns a new array which is the slice a[1:]. Nil is
          returned if the length of a is less than 2 elements.

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     Arrays(2)                                               Arrays(2)

          Pair takes two arrays a₁ and a₂, and returns a new array of
          tuples (v1, v2) in which each element of a₁ has been paired
          with the corresponding element of a₂. Nil is returned if the
          arrays are not equal in length.

          Stringify returns a visually pleasing string representation
          of a. The type T must implement a method String which
          returns a string representation of an element in the array
          of type T.

          A second group of operations applies a function f or a
          Boolean predicate p to each element of a array, returning a
          transformed array or a Boolean value.  A predicate p must
          return non-zero if its parameter value satisfies its condi-
          tion, and must return zero if it does not.

          Filter returns a new array containing only the elements of a
          that satisfy p.

          Map returns a new array in which each element of a₀ has been
          transformed by f (ie, if a₀ is e0,e1,⋯ then the result is


          The current implementation of polymorphism is limited to
          reference types and strings, which in turn limits use of
          this module.


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