PANEL(9)                                                 PANEL(9)

          panel - embedded graphics

          panel pathName ?options?

          -anchor       -borderwidth  -background   -relief

          -height dist
               Specifies a desired height for the panel.  If this
               option isn't specified, the panel's desired height is
               computed from the image and mask images. If these are
               replicated, the default is zero.

          -width dist
               Specifies a desired width for the panel.  If this
               option isn't specified, the panel's desired height is
               computed from the image and mask images. If these are
               replicated, the default is zero.

          The panel command creates a new window (given by the path-
          Name argument) and makes it into a panel widget.  Additional
          options, described above, may be specified on the command
          line to configure aspects of the panel such as its back-
          ground colour and 3-D relief.  The panel command returns its
          pathName argument.  At the time this command is invoked,
          there must not exist a window named pathName.

          A panel is a widget that displays arbitrary graphics drawn
          outside of Tk. An application is free to use any image or
          mask that it chooses to create; the panel will display the
          contents of the image through the mask (see draw(2)).

          A panel widget will not display anything until its image has
          been set using putimage (see tk(2)).

          The panel command creates a new Tk command whose name is
          pathName. This command may be used to invoke various opera-
          tions on the widget: It has the following general form:
               pathName option ?arg arg ...?
          Option and the args determine the exact behaviour of the
          command.  The following commands are possible for panel wid-

          pathName cget option

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     PANEL(9)                                                 PANEL(9)

               Returns the current value of the configuration option
               given by option.  Option may have any of the values
               accepted by the panel function.

          pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
               Query or modify the configuration options of the wid-
               get.  If no option is specified, returns a list of all
               of the available options for pathName.  If one or more
               option-value pairs are specified, then the command mod-
               ifies the given widget option(s) to have the given
               value(s);  in this case the command returns an empty
               string.  Option may have any of the values accepted by
               the panel function

          pathName dirty ?minx miny maxx maxy?
               Mark the area inside the given rectangle ((minx, miny),
               (maxx, maxy)) to be flushed to the screen. If the rect-
               angle is not given, the whole area will be marked.  The
               coordinates are relative to the image's origin.

          pathName origin ?x y?
               Set the point within the image that will be displayed
               at the top left of the panel's rectangle.  If the area
               allocated to the panel is more than the area drawn by
               the image, the ``top left'' will positioned with
               respect to the value of the -anchor option.  If the
               point is not given, the current origin is returned.

          pathName panelx ?screenx?
               Given a screen x-coordinate, screenx, this command
               returns the image x-coordinate displayed at that loca-

          pathName panely ?screeny?
               Given a screen y-coordinate, screeny, this command
               returns the image y-coordinate displayed at that loca-

          pathName screenx ?panelx?
               Given an image x-coordinate, panelx, this command
               returns the equivalent screen x-coordinate.

          pathName screeny ?panely?
               Given an image y-coordinate, panely, this command
               returns the equivalent screen y-coordinate.

          When a new panel is created, it has no default event bind-

          draw(2), tk(2), options(9), types(9)

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