VT(1)                                                       VT(1)

          vt - emulate a VT-100 or VT-220 terminal

          vt [ -2sa ]

          Vt replaces a rio window with a fresh instance of the shell
          rc(1) running within an emulation of a DEC VT-100 terminal.
          The -2 and -a options configure vt to emulate a VT-220 and
          Ansi terimal respectively.  The -s options forces a saner
          color scheme, i.e, black text on white background.

          The right button has a menu with the following entries to
          provide the sort of character processing expected by non-
          Plan 9 systems:

          24x80   Resize the vt window to hold 24 rows of 80 columns.
          crnl    Print a newline (linefeed) character after receiving
                  a carriage return from the host.
          cr      Do not print a newline after carriage return.
          nlcr    Print a carriage return after receiving a newline
                  from the host.
          nl      Do not print a carriage return after newline.
          raw     Enter raw (no echo, no interpretation) character
                  mode for input.
          cooked  Leave raw mode.
          exit    Exits vt.

          The middle button has a menu with the following entries:

          backup     Move the display back one screenful.
          forward    Move the display forward one screenful.  (These
                     are a poor substitute for a scroll bar.)
          reset      Display the last screenful; the same as going
                     forward to the end.
          clear      Clear the screen.  Previous contents can be
                     recovered using backup.
          send       Send the contents of the rio snarf buffer, just
                     as send in the rio menu.
          scroll     Make new lines visible as they appear at the bot-
          page       When the page fills, pause and wait for a charac-
                     ter to be typed before proceeding.  The down
                     arrow key advances a page without sending the
                     character to the host.

          To exit vt, exit its rc session by, for example, typing EOT

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     VT(1)                                                       VT(1)


          This program is used only for communicating with foreign
          systems, so it is not as rich an emulation as its equivalent
          in other environments.

          Use care in setting raw and newline modes when connecting to
          Unix systems via con. It may also be necessary to set the
          emulator into raw mode.

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