LIBSEC(2)                                               LIBSEC(2)

          setupDESstate, des_key_setup, block_cipher, desCBCencrypt,
          desCBCdecrypt, desECBencrypt, desECBdecrypt, des3CBCencrypt,
          des3CBCdecrypt, des3ECBencrypt, des3ECBdecrypt, key_setup,
          des56to64, des64to56, setupDES3state, triple_block_cipher,
          md4, md5, sha1, hmac_md5, hmac_sha1, dec64, enc64, dec32,
          enc32, genrandom, prng, genprime, gensafeprime,
          genstrongprime, DSAprimes, probably_prime, smallprimetest,
          setupRC4state, rc4, rc4skip, rc4back, crtpre, crtin, crtout,
          crtprefree, crtresfree, rsagen, rsaencrypt, rsadecrypt,
          rsaalloc, rsafree, rsapuballoc, rsapubfree, rsaprivalloc,
          rsaprivfree, rsaprivtopub, X509toRSApub, asn1toRSApriv,
          decodepem, eggen, egencrypt, egdecrypt, egsign, egverify,
          egalloc, egfree, egpuballoc, egpubfree, egprivalloc,
          egprivfree, egsigalloc, egsigfree, egprivtopub -
          cryptographic security library

          #include <u.h>
          #include <libc.h>
          #include <mp.h>
          #include <libsec.h>

          void des_key_setup(uchar key[8], ulong schedule[32])

          void block_cipher(ulong *schedule, uchar *data,
                    int decrypting)

          void setupDESstate(DESstate *s, uchar key[8], uchar *ivec)

          void desCBCencrypt(uchar*, int, DESstate*)

          void desCBCdecrypt(uchar*, int, DESstate*)

          void desECBencrypt(uchar*, int, DESstate*)

          void desECBdecrypt(uchar*, int, DESstate*)

          void triple_block_cipher(ulong keys[3][32], uchar*, int)

          void setupDES3state(DES3state *s, uchar key[3][8],
                    uchar *ivec)

          void des3CBCencrypt(uchar*, int, DES3state*)

          void des3CBCdecrypt(uchar*, int, DES3state*)

          void des3ECBencrypt(uchar*, int, DES3state*)

          void des3ECBdecrypt(uchar*, int, DES3state*)

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     LIBSEC(2)                                               LIBSEC(2)

          void key_setup(uchar[7], ulong[32])

          void des56to64(uchar *k56, uchar *k64)

          void des64to56(uchar *k64, uchar *k56)

          DigestState*   md4(uchar *data, ulong dlen, uchar *digest,
                          DigestState *state)

          DigestState*   md5(uchar *data, ulong dlen, uchar *digest,
                          DigestState *state)

          DigestState*   sha1(uchar *data, ulong dlen, uchar *digest,
                          DigestState *state)

          DigestState*   hmac_md5(uchar *data, ulong dlen,
                          uchar *key, ulong klen,
                          uchar *digest, DigestState *state)

          DigestState*   hmac_sha1(uchar *data, ulong dlen,
                          uchar *key, ulong klen,
                          uchar *digest, DigestState *state)

          void setupRC4state(RC4state *s, uchar *seed, int slen)

          void rc4(RC4state *s, uchar *data, int dlen)

          void rc4skip(RC4state *s, int nbytes)

          void rc4back(RC4state *s, int nbytes)

          RSApriv*  rsagen(int nlen, int elen, int nrep)

          mpint*    rsaencrypt(RSApub *k, mpint *in, mpint *out)

          mpint*    rsadecrypt(RSApriv *k, mpint *in, mpint *out)

          RSApub*   rsapuballoc(void)

          void rsapubfree(RSApub*)

          RSApriv*  rsaprivalloc(void)

          void rsaprivfree(RSApriv*)

          RSApub*   rsaprivtopub(RSApriv*)

          RSApub*   X509toRSApub(uchar *cert, int ncert, char *name,
          int nname)

          RSApriv*  asn1toRSApriv(uchar *priv, int npriv)

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     LIBSEC(2)                                               LIBSEC(2)

          uchar*    decodepem(char *s, char *type, uchar *len)

          EGpriv*   eggen(int nlen, int nrep)

          mpint*    egencrypt(EGpub *k, mpint *in, mpint *out)

          mpint*    egdecrypt(EGpriv *k, mpint *in, mpint *out)

          EGsig*    egsign(EGpriv *k, mpint *m)

          int  egverify(EGpub *k, EGsig *sig, mpint *m)

          EGpub*    egpuballoc(void)

          void egpubfree(EGpub*)

          EGpriv*   egprivalloc(void)

          void egprivfree(EGpriv*)

          EGsig*    egsigalloc(void)

          void egsigfree(EGsig*)

          EGpub*    egprivtopub(EGpriv*)

          int  dec64(uchar *out, int lim, char *in, int n)

          int  enc64(char *out, int lim, uchar *in, int n)

          int  dec32(uchar *out, int lim, char *in, int n)

          int  enc32(char *out, int lim, uchar *in, int n)

          void genrandom(uchar *buf, int nbytes)

          void prng(uchar *buf, int nbytes)

          int  smallprimetest(mpint *p)

          int  probably_prime(mpint *p, int nrep)

          void genprime(mpint *p, int n, int nrep)

          void gensafeprime(mpint *p, mpint *alpha, int n, int accu-

          void genstrongprime(mpint *p, int n, int nrep)

          void DSAprimes(mpint *q, mpint *p, uchar seed[SHA1dlen])


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     LIBSEC(2)                                               LIBSEC(2)

          These routines provide a base for cryptographic security.

          The Digital Encryption Standard (DES) has the most func-
          tions.  It is a shared key or symmetric encryption using
          either a 56 bit key for single DES or three 56 bit keys for
          triple des.  The keys are encoded into 64 bits where every
          eight bit is parity.

          The basic DES function, block_cipher, works on a block of 8
          bytes, converting them in place.  It takes a key schedule, a
          pointer to the block, and a flag indicating encrypting (0)
          or decrypting (1).  The key schedule is created from the key
          using des_key_setup.

          Since it is a bit awkward, block_cipher is rarely called
          directly.  Instead, one normally uses routines that encrypt
          larger buffers of data and which may chain the encryption
          state from one buffer to the next.  These routines keep
          track of the state of the encryption using a DESstate struc-
          ture that contains the key schedule and any chained state.
          SetupDESstate sets up the DESstate structure using the key
          and an 8 byte initialization vector.

          Electronic code book, using desECBencrypt and desECBdecrypt,
          is the less secure mode.  The encryption of each 8 bytes
          does not depend on the encryption of any other.  Hence the
          encryption is a substitution cipher using 64 bit characters.

          Cipher block chaining mode, using desCBCencrypt and
          desCBCdecrypt, is more secure.  Every block encrypted
          depends on the initialization vector and all blocks
          encrypted before it.

          For both CBC and ECB modes, a stream of data can be
          encrypted as multiple buffers.  However, all buffers except
          the last must be a multiple of 8 bytes to ensure successful
          decryption of the stream.

          There are equivalent triple DES functions for each of the
          DES functions.

          In the past Plan 9 used a 56 bit or 7 byte format for DES
          keys.  To be compatible with the rest of the world, we've
          abandoned this format.  There are two functions: des56to64
          and des64to56 to convert back and forth between the two for-
          mats.  Also a key schedule can be set up from the 7 byte
          format using key_setup.

        Secure Hashes
          We support several secure hash functions.  The output of the
          hash is called a digest. A hash is secure if, given the

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     LIBSEC(2)                                               LIBSEC(2)

          hashed data and the digest, it is difficult to predict the
          change to the digest resulting from some change to the data
          without rehashing the whole data.  Therefore, if a secret is
          part of the hashed data, the digest can be used as an
          integrity check of the data by anyone possessing the secret.

          The routines md4, md5, sha1, hmac_md5, and hmac_sha1 differ
          only in the length of the resulting digest and in the secu-
          rity of the hash.  Usage for each is the same.  The first
          call to the routine should have nil as the state parameter.
          This call returns a state which can be used to chain subse-
          quent calls.  The last call should have digest non-nil.
          Digest must point to a buffer of at least the size of the
          digest produced.  This last call will free the state and
          copy the result into digest. For example, to hash a single
          buffer using md5:

               uchar digest[MD5dlen];

               md5(data, len, digest, nil);

          To chain a number of buffers together, bounded on each end
          by some secret:

               char buf[256];
               uchar digest[MD5dlen];
               DigestState *s;

               s = md5("my password", 11, nil, nil);
               while((n = read(fd, buf, 256)) > 0)
                    md5(buf, n, nil, s);
               md5("drowssap ym", 11, digest, s);

          The constants MD4dlen, MD5dlen, and SHA1dlen define the
          lengths of the digests.

          Hmac_md5 and hmac_sha1 are used slightly differently.  These
          hash algorithms are keyed and require a key to be specified
          on every call.  The digest lengths for these hashes are
          MD5dlen and SHA1dlen respectively.

        Alleged RC4
          This is an algorithm alleged to be Rivest's RC4 encryption
          function.  It is a pseudo-random number generator with a 256
          byte state and a long cycle.  The input buffer is XOR'd with
          the output of the generator both to encrypt and to decrypt.
          The seed, entered using setupRC4state, can be any length.
          The generator can be run forward using rc4, skip over bytes
          using rc4skip to account lost transmissions, or run back-
          wards using rc4back to cover retransmitted data.  The
          RC4state structure keeps track of the algorithm.

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     LIBSEC(2)                                               LIBSEC(2)

          RSA is a public key encryption algorithm.  The owner of a
          key publishes the public part of the key:
               struct RSApub
                    mpint     *n;  // modulus
                    mpint     *ek; // exp (encryption key)
          This part can be used for encrypting data (with rsaencrypt)
          to be sent to the owner.  The owner decrypts (with
          rsadecrypt) using his private key:
               struct RSApriv
                    RSApub    pub;
                    mpint     *dk; // exp (decryption key)

                    // precomputed crt values
                    mpint     *p;
                    mpint     *q;
                    mpint     *kp; // k mod p-1
                    mpint     *kq; // k mod q-1
                    mpint     *c2; // for converting residues to number

          Keys are generated using rsagen. Rsagen takes both bit
          length of the modulus, the bit length of the public key
          exponent, and the number of repetitions of the miller-rabin
          primality test to run.  If the latter is 0, it does the
          default number of rounds.  Rsagen returns a newly allocated
          structure containing both public and private keys.
          Rsaprivtopub returns a newly allocated copy of the public
          key corresponding to the private key.

          The routines rsaalloc, rsafree, rsapuballoc, rsapubfree,
          rsaprivalloc, and rsaprivfree are provided to aid in user
          provided key I/O.

          Given a binary X.509 cert, the routine X509toRSApub returns
          the public key and, if name is not nil, the CN part of the
          Distinguished Name of the certificate's Subject.  (This is
          conventionally a userid or a host DNS name.)  No verifica-
          tion is done of the certificate signature;  the caller
          should check the fingerprint, sha1(cert), against a table or
          check the certificate by other means.  X.509 certificates
          are often stored in PEM format; use dec64 to convert to
          binary before computing the fingerprint or calling

          Asn1toRSApriv converts an ASN1 formatted RSA private key
          into the corresponding RSApriv structure.

          Decodepem takes a zero terminated string, s, and decodes the

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     LIBSEC(2)                                               LIBSEC(2)

          PEM (privacy-enhanced mail) formatted section for type
          within it.  If successful, it returns the decoded section
          and sets *len to its decoded length.  If not, it returns
          nil, and *len is undefined.

          The corresponding keys for the ElGamal algorithm are:
               struct EGpub
                    mpint     *p;  // modulus
                    mpint     *alpha;   // generator
                    mpint     *key;     // (encryption key) alpha**secret mod p
               struct EGpriv
                    EGpub     pub;
                    mpint     *secret; // (decryption key)
          Egsign signs message m using a private key k yielding a
               struct EGsig
                    mpint     *r, *s;
          Egverify returns 0 if the signature is valid and -1 if not.

          Two readable and 7-bit safe encodings exist for binary data;
          base 64 and base 32.  Base 64 is the more compact and more
          popular, used by MIME and HTTP.  Base 32 is preferred when
          human transmission is involved.  It avoids confusion by not
          including upper case or '0', 'o', '1', and 'l' in its char-
          acter set.  Base 64 can encode buffers of any length while
          base 32 only works on buffers a multiple of 5 bytes long.

          Enc32 and enc64 both create null terminated strings.  They
          return the size of the encoded string (without the null) or
          -1 if the encoding fails.  The encoding fails if lim, the
          length of the output buffer, is too small.  Also, for base
          32, the encoding fails if the input buffer length, n, is not
          a multiple of 5.

          Dec32 and dec64 return the number of bytes decoded or -1 if
          the decoding fails.  The decoding fails if the output buffer
          is not large enough or, for base 32, if the input buffer
          length is not a multiple of 8.

        Random numbers
          Most security software requires a source of random or, at
          the very least, unguessable numbers.

          Genrandom fills a buffer with bytes from the X9.17 pseudo-

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     LIBSEC(2)                                               LIBSEC(2)

          random number generator.  The X9.17 generator is seeded by
          24 truly random bytes read from /dev/random.

          Prng uses the native rand(2) pseudo-random number generator
          to fill the buffer.  Used with srand, this function can pro-
          duce a reproducible stream of pseudo random numbers useful
          in testing.

          Both functions may be passed to mprand (see mp(2)).

        Prime numbers
          Public key algorithms abound in prime numbers.  The follow-
          ing routines generate primes or test numbers for primality.

          Smallprimetest checks for divisibility by the first 10000
          primes.  It returns 0 if p is not divisible by the primes
          and -1 if it is.

          Probably_prime uses the Miller-Rabin test to test p. It
          returns non-zero if P is probably prime.  The probability of
          it not being prime is 1/4**nrep.

          Genprime generates a random n bit prime.  Since it uses the
          Miller-Rabin test, nrep is the repetition count passed to
          probably_prime. Gensafegprime generates an n-bit prime p and
          a generator alpha of the multiplicative group of integers
          mod p; there is a prime q such that p-1=2*q.  Genstrongprime
          generates a prime, p, with the following properties:

          -    p-1 has a large prime factor, p'. A large factor is one
               close to 1/2 the bit length of p.

          -    p'-1 has a large prime factor

          -    p+1 has a large prime factor

          -    (p-1)/2 is prime

          DSAprimes generates two primes, q and p, using the NIST rec-
          ommended algorithm for DSA primes.  q divides p-1.



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