MATH-LINALG(2) MATH-LINALG(2) NAME Math: dot, norm1, norm2, iamax, gemm, sort - linear algebra primitives SYNOPSIS include "math.m"; math := load Math Math->PATH; dot: fn(x, y: array of real): real; norm1, norm2: fn(x: array of real): real; iamax: fn(x: array of real): int; gemm: fn(transa, transb: int, # upper case N or T m, n, k: int, alpha: real, a: array of real, lda: int, b: array of real, ldb: int, beta: real, c: array of real, ldc: int); sort: fn(x: array of real, p: array of int); DESCRIPTION These routines implement the basic functions of linear algebra. The standard vector inner product and norms are defined as follows: dot(x , y) = sum(x[i]*y[i]) norm1(x) = sum(fabs(x[i ])) norm2(x) = sqrt(dot(x , x)) For the infinity norm, the function iamax(x) computes an integer i such that fabs(x[i]) is maximal. These are all standard BLAS (basic linear algebra subroutines) except that in Inferno they apply only to contiguous (unit stride) vec- tors. We assume the convention that matrices are represented as singly-subscripted arrays with Fortran storage order. So for an m by n matrix A we use loops with 0_<i<m and 0_<j<n and access A[i+m*j]. Rather than provide the huge number of entry points in BLAS2 and BLAS3, Inferno provides the matrix multiply primitive, gemm, defined by A = A*A'*B' + B*C where the apostrophes indicate an optional transposition. As shown by the work of Kagstrom, Ling, and Van Loan, the other BLAS functionality can be built efficiently on top of Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/13/25) MATH-LINALG(2) MATH-LINALG(2) gemm. Matrix a' is m by k, matrix b' is k by n, and matrix c is m by n. Here a' means a (a') if transa is the constant 'N' ('T'), and similarly for b'. The sizes m, n, and k denote the `active' part of the matrix. The parameters lda, ldb, and ldc denote the `leading dimension' or size for purposes of indexing. So to loop over c use loops with 0_<i<m and 0_<j<n and access a[i+ldc*j]. The sorting function sort(x,p) updates a 0-origin permuta- tion p so that x[p[i]] _< x[p[i+1]], leaving x unchanged. SOURCE /libinterp/math.c SEE ALSO math-intro(2) Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 3/13/25)