VGA(3)                                                     VGA(3)

          vga - VGA controller device

          bind #v /dev


          The VGA device allows configuration of a graphics controller
          on a PC.  Vgactl allows control over higher-level settings
          such as display height, width, depth, controller and
          hardware-cursor type.  Along with the I/O-port registers
          provided by arch(3), it is used to implement configuration
          and setup of VGA controller cards.  This is usually per-
          formed by vga(8).

          Writing strings to vgactl configures the VGA device.  The
          following are valid commands.

          size XxYxZ chan
               Set the size of the screen image to be X pixels wide
               and Y pixels high.  Each pixel is Z bits as specified
               by chan, whose format is described in image(6).

          actualsize XxY
               Set the physical size of the display to be X pixels
               wide by Y pixels high.  This message is optional; it is
               used to accommodate displays that require the in-memory
               screen image to have certain alignment properties.  For
               example, a 1400x1050 screen with a 1408x1050 in-memory
               image will use size 1408x1050 but actualsize 1400x1050.

          tilt value
               Set the tilt of the screen, altering the screen's ori-
               entation.  The value can be one of: none, left,
               inverted and right.

          type ctlr
               Set the type of VGA controller being used.  Ctlr is one
               of 3dfx, ark200pv, clgd542x, clgd546x, ct65545,
               cyber938x, et4000, geode, hiqvideo, i81x, igfx,
               mach64xx, mga2164w, mga4xx, neomagic, nvidia, radeon,
               s3, t2r4 and vmware.

               Note that this list does not indicate the full set of
               VGA chips supported. For example, s3 includes the
               86C801/5, 86C928, Vision864, and Vision964.  It is the
               job of vga(8) to recognize which particular chip is
               being used and to initialize it appropriately.

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     VGA(3)                                                     VGA(3)

          hwgc gc
               Set the type of hardware graphics cursor being used.
               Gc is one of soft, 3dfxhwgc, ark200pvhwgc, bt485hwgc,
               clgd542xhwgc, clgd546xhwgc, ct65545hwgc, cyber938xhwgc,
               et4000hwgc, geodehwgc, hiqvideohwgc, i81xhwgc,
               igfxhwgc, mga2164whwgc, mach64xxhwgc, neomagichwgc,
               nvidiahwgc, radeonhwgc, rgb524hwgc, s3hwgc, t2r4hwgc,
               tvp3020hwgc, tvp3026hwgc and vmwarehwgc.  A value of
               off disables the cursor.

          palettedepth d
               Set the number of bits of precision used by the VGA
               palette to d, which must be either 6 or 8.

          hwaccel mode
               Depending on whether mode is on or off, enable or dis-
               able whether hardware acceleration (currently for rect-
               angle filling and moving) used by the graphics engine.
               The default setting is on.

          softscreen mode
               Depending on whether mode is on or off, enable or dis-
               able shadow framebuffer to reduce slow bus reads.
               Enabling softscreen disables hardware acceleration. The
               default setting is off except for the vesa driver.

          hwblank mode
               Depending on whether mode is on or off, enable or dis-
               able the use of DPMS blanking (see mouse(3)).

          linear size align
               Use a linear screen aperture of size size aligned on an
               align-byte boundary.

               Initialize the graphics hardware.  This must be sent
               after setting the type.

          Reading vgactl returns the current settings, one per line.

          The following disables hardware acceleration.

               echo hwaccel off > /dev/vgactl


          arch(3), vga(8)


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     VGA(3)                                                     VGA(3)

          The hardware graphics cursor on the et4000 does not work in
          2x8-bit mode.

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